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Posts Tagged ‘methodology’

Engineer Using Tablet Check And Control Automation Robot Arms Machine In Intelligent Factory Industrial On Monitoring System Software. Welding Robotics And Digital Manufacturing Operation.

Addressing People, Process, and Technology in Manufacturing Transformation

This is the third blog in our series on trends in the manufacturing industry and how the Salesforce platform can address business challenges. Read the first and second installments. This post covers content from the 18:48 mark and ends at 28:47 in the below video.   Whether you leverage spreadsheets for forecasting or are a larger […]

A New Perspective on User Acceptance Testing for CRM Projects

User Acceptance Testing or User Exception Testing? I recently joined a conference call concerning User Acceptance Testing (UAT) and at the start of the meeting it was accidentally called User Exception Testing. Although the meeting participant quickly corrected herself and it wasn’t noticed by the testers, it made a profound impact on me. Over the course of […]

IBM Cognos TM1 + Atlassian JIRA = Client Success

IBM Cognos TM1 is well-known as an enterprise planning software platform that can transform your entire planning cycle, from target setting and budgeting to reporting, scorecarding, analysis and forecasting [1], and Perficient is well-known for delivering expertly designed TM1-based solutions. At Perficient, we are excited about solving our customers’ business needs. Every Cognos TM1 implementation […]

An Architectural Approach to Cognos TM1 Design

Overtime, I’ve written about keeping your TM1 model design “architecturally pure”. What this means is that you should strive to keep a models “areas of functionality” distinct within your design. Common Components I believe that all TM1 applications, for example, are made of only 4 distinct “areas of functionality”. They are absorption (of key information […]

A Practice Vision

Vision Most organizations today have had successes implementing technology and they are happy to tell you about it. From a tactical perspective, they understand how to install, configure and use whatever software you are interested in. They are “practitioners”. But, how may can bring a “strategic vision” to a project or to your organization in […]

IBM OpenPages GRC Platform –modular methodology

The OpenPages GRC platform includes 5 main “operational modules”. These modules are each designed to address specific organizational needs around Governance, Risk, and Compliance. Operational Risk Management module “ORM” The Operational Risk Management module is a document and process management tool which includes a monitoring and decision support system enabling an organization to analyze, manage, […]

The installation Process – IBM OpenPages GRC Platform

When preparing to deploy the OpenPages platform, you’ll need to follow these steps: Determine which server environment you will deploy to – Windows or AIX. Determine your topology – how many servers will you include as part of the environment? Multiple application servers? 1 or more reporting servers? Perform the installation of the OpenPages prerequisite […]

IBM OpenPages Start-up

In the beginning… OpenPages was a company “born” in Massachusetts, providing Governance, Risk, and Compliancesoftware and services to customers. Founded in 1996, OpenPages had more than 200 customers worldwide including Barclays, Duke Energy, and TIAA-CREF. On October 21, 2010, OpenPages was officially acquired by IBM: What is it? OpenPages provides a technology driven way […]

Configuring Cognos TM1 Web with Cognos Security

Recently I completed upgrading a client’s IBM Cognos environment – both TM1 and BI. It was a “jump” from Cognos 8 to version 10.2, and TM1 9.5 to version 10.2.2. In this environment, we had multiple virtual servers (Cognos lives on one, TM1 on one and the third is the gateway/webserver). Once the software was […]

Perficient takes Cognos TM1 to the Cloud

IBM Cognos TM1 is well-known as the planning, analysis, and forecasting software that delivers flexible solutions to address requirements across an enterprise, as well as provide real-time analytics, reporting, and what-if scenario modeling and Perficient is well-known for delivering expertly designed TM1 based solutions. Analytic Projects Perhaps phase zero of a typical analytics project would […]

Exercising IBM Cognos Framework Manager

In Framework Manager, an expression is any combination of operators, constants, functions, and other components that evaluates to a single value. You can build expressions to create calculation and filter definitions. A calculation is an expression that you use to create a new value from existing values contained within a data item. A filter is […]

Framework Manager – Creating a Parameter Map

A session parameter is a variable that IBM Cognos Framework Manager associates with a particular session. Examples include (current user name, current active language, current date and time, and others). Parameter maps are a method for substituting different values with different keys. A parameter map can be thought of as simple data “look-up table”. Each […]

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