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Posts Tagged ‘forrester’

Perficient Listed as a Microservices Strategy and Delivery Vendor

Microservices continue to gain popularity for its potential to deliver scalability, resilience, and agility that isn’t possible with service-oriented architecture. Nearly 70% of businesses are either using or currently investigating microservices adoption. However, many companies encounter implementation challenges that include a strain on IT to be more agile, adopt new technology, and embrace DevOps. These […]

Perficient Listed as an Integration Strategy and Delivery Service Provider

As businesses face an “unknown future of continuous business and technology change,” integration remains a top priority among application development and delivery professionals. Simple integration projects may quickly alleviate pain and operational challenges. However, constructing the right architectures is essential for achieving strategic business priorities, such as improving agility and organizational structure. In Forrester’s recent […]

Second Time’s the Charm: Perficient Listed as Mid-Size API Strategy and Delivery Service Provider

The adoption of APIs across the software and services industry is expected to soar in 2018. Companies seeking to thrive in today’s competitive environment understand that APIs deliver versatility, cost savings, and business value. However, building and executing an API strategy is key for achieving this business value and agility. For the second year in […]

Cyberattacks in Financial Services - keyboard

Trend Tuesday: Augmenting Employee Performance with Emerging IT

Employee performance is a challenge for any organization, especially those who continuously invest in technology in hopes of a return. As technology spending reaches $3 billion dollars in 2018, this marks an ever-growing productivity paradox, especially as we hit the end of one of the hottest hiring periods for employers on record. J.P. Gownder of […]

Forrester’s U.S. Customer Index Worsened in 2017

Forrester has a blog post that highlights the high-level results from the latest U.S. Customer Experience Index Report. First the results because they are interesting: This year’s Customer Experience Index report for US brands revealed a CX leadership gap — not a single brand has risen to the top of our rankings and continue to move upward. […]

Forrester's U.S. Customer Index Worsened in 2017

Forrester has a blog post that highlights the high-level results from the latest U.S. Customer Experience Index Report. First the results because they are interesting: This year’s Customer Experience Index report for US brands revealed a CX leadership gap — not a single brand has risen to the top of our rankings and continue to move upward. […]

Forrester: Banks Must Continue With Digital Transformation

In a recent report, Forrester described why customer experience in the banking industry is incredibly important, possibly even more so than in other industries. “For years, we have watched power shift from companies to customers. In the age of the customer, customers can and do transfer their loyalty when they don’t receive the engaging customer […]

How Great CX Drastically Increases Revenue, Even In Life Sciences

If you’ve been following this blog series, hopefully you’re coming around the idea that it’s wise to consider all of your stakeholder groups – patients, physicians, clinical sites, vendors, partners, regulatory agencies, investors, even your employees – as “customers.” In today’s post, we’ll look at the portion of Perficient Digital’s CX strategy guide that talks […]

Perficient Lands On Forrester’s Go-to List Of Digital Experience Service Providers

Mastering the digital customer experience remains top-of-mind for companies across all industries. According to Forrester, nine of 10 organizations work with outside vendors to implement (i.e., strategy, design, technology) their digital experience programs. Fortunately for you, and us, Forrester recently released its list of “the biggest and most important digital experience service providers.” Perficient, along […]

Steps to Assess Your Integration Architecture

In this article we will examine the rationale and steps to assess your integration architecture using industry analysts’ perspectives. If you question the need for a robust integration architecture, consider that both Gartner and Forrester stress integration as critical to a digital transformation and the running of a digital business. According to the Gartner report […]

3 Characteristics of the Modern Robot

Human civilization has experienced upheaval throughout history, from the Industrial Revolution to the Iron, Stone, and Bronze Ages. In each of these eras, human productivity and living changed drastically, influencing how humans work, live, and play. As we head towards the first quarter of the 21st century, the new revolution on hand exists in the […] Resizeimage 69

Digital Asset Management: No Longer a ‘Nice to Have’

Why Digital Asset Management As companies undergo digital transformation, and look to become an ‘experience business’ that delivers second to none experiences to their customers and drives brand loyalty, there’s more pressure on marketing teams to create compelling, interactive and visually appealing content. With content in such high demand, marketing leaders seek to streamline the use of […]

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