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Posts Tagged ‘change management’

Data Business Computer People

[Invite] Implement Microsoft Teams with Organizational Change Management to Maximize Your ROI

The impacts of COVID-19 have made it imperative, now more than ever, to assure that employees are ready, willing, and able to embrace new technology in a virtual workplace. Despite the current circumstances, successful change is more complex than just ensuring adoption – it is understanding the change from the stakeholders’ perspective, creating opportunities for […]


[Upcoming Webinar] Change Management Drives Adoption of Microsoft Teams While Working Remotely

Are you struggling to get users to efficiently embrace a new tool or technology? Is the unexpected shift to fully remote working creating change management obstacles? Are you looking to prepare for an upcoming Microsoft Teams implementation for your small or large company? Just because you implement a new tool, doesn’t mean people will use […]

Microsoft teams

[Webinar Invitation] Change Management Empowers the Adoption of Microsoft Teams for 15,000 Employees

Please join us on October 8th as Perficient’s Andres Gonzalez, Lead Business Consultant, Meghlynn Achez, Lead Business Consultant, and Ryan Coburn, Senior Project Manager, discuss how investing in organizational change management (OCM) can help drive user engagement, increase adoption, and achieve the desired ROI. The team recently migrated a leading energy company’s 15,000 employees from […]

Business Colleagues Whispering On A Meeting In The Office.

Feeling Stuck in Your Digital Transformation? Start with Empathy and Dumplings

As organizations continue daily adjustments in response to pandemic-related market shifts and customer expectations, existing internal alignment challenges compound. The compounded alignment challenges multiply when digital strategy transformation activities are layered on. This perfect storm results in clients asking how they can get their teams unstuck, aligned, and moving again. I’ve started answering the question […]

change management

Association of Change Management Professionals Features David Chapman on COVID-19

The Association of Change Management Professionals (ACMP) recently featured David Chapman, Chief Strategist of Organizational Change Management (OCM), in a blog post. David points out that current conditions call for new approaches to user enablement and that historic change management playbooks will likely not be effective. In this new reality, leadership concerns range from project […]

Working At Home

[Video] Is Your Company Equipped to Work From Home?

Change is inevitable. Sometimes the change is by our own accord, and other times change is thrust upon us. The current COVID-19 pandemic uncovered many challenges organizations have with enabling and supporting remote work. While how we work—how we collaborate and communicate, in particular—has changed significantly, companies that didn’t already have the tools in place […]

Remote Work During COVID-19 With Microsoft 365 – Here’s What You Need To Know

Considering the highly fluid COVID-19 (more commonly known as the Coronavirus) situation, businesses around the world are continuing to grapple with the impact it will have. What many are now learning is that digital has the power to help organizations not only respond quickly, but mitigate risk associated with disruption of normal business operations. No […]

Working Remote

Managing Unexpected Change – 3 Quick Ways to Help Transition to Working Remotely

The rapidly occurring changes in people’s professional and personal lives during the COVID-19 crisis are not some that many were planning to make (and certainly not all at once). In organizations, change can cause stress to any worker, especially when it was not anticipated at all. The primary unexpected change impacting many employees today, which […]

Digital Transformation

What If We Didn’t Call It Transformation?

Right before a new project kickoff, our client pulled me aside and said, “Don’t call it a transformation, that will just freak everyone out and we won’t get anything done.” Of course, the work IS a transformation initiative, but I understand her desire to reframe the effort to focus on the foundation for success rather […]

Late Afternoon Toned Photo Of California Farm With Irrigation

3 Ways to Get Your Change Communications to Soak In

Water is a precious commodity that gives life to plants – just like the way that information and knowledge helps people learn and adapt during times of organizational change. The methods used to share and disseminate information and knowledge throughout the organization play a vital role in the success of the change initiative. If not […]

Nepali "everest Sherpa" Climbing In Himalayas

Mentoring: The Vital 20 Percent in Individual Learning and Change

On December 16, 1675, scientists of the Royal Society gathered to hear Isaac Newton’s new latest theory on the properties of light. Robert Hooke, the Society’s Curator of Experiments was in the audience and proclaimed that the essence of Newton’s paper was already captured in Hooke’s published book and that Newton would benefit from additional […]

Tips for Getting Started with Application Modernization

Our previous post, Tackle Security Concerns for Application Modernization, addressed common security concerns and revealed a shift in this perspective. The final post in this series offers tips to secure buy in and make sure the change sticks. People are the linchpin to your company’s ability to quickly and easily modernize applications. Achieving success with […]

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