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Posts Tagged ‘AWS’

We'll Crack Through This Code Tonight

Ease Cloud Migration with Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS [On-Demand Webinar]

As one of nine launch partners for Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA), Perficient developed a Kubernetes-based accelerator to take clients’ applications to production on OpenShift in just a few hours. In a recent webinar, our technology expert demonstrated the ins and outs of the accelerator and showed attendees: How to launch a ROSA […]

Domo Certify

PACE New Features: Microsoft Teams Integration, Call Me Now Widget, and More!

Perficient’s Amazon Connect Experience (PACE) solution amplifies the power of Amazon Connect with several added features and managed services. As we continue to develop and customize our software to your needs, we will post blogs with new features and processes we have added, changed, or fixed. To learn more about PACE, visit our dedicated landing […]

PACE New Features: Meet the New Agent Desktop Experience, Call Notes, and More!

Perficient’s Amazon Connect Experience (PACE) solution amplifies the power of Amazon Connect with several added features and managed services. As we continue to develop and customize our software to your needs, we will post blogs with new features and processes we have added, changed, or fixed. To learn more about PACE, visit our dedicated landing […]

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Approachable Machine Learning – AWS AutoGluon & Data Prediction

Many companies have been pouring efforts into automated machine learning (AutoML).  It automates many best practices and is an abstraction to make machine learning easier to approach for developers with no prior experience.  Open-sourced by the AWS, “AutoGluon” is one of these AutoML libraries.  AutoGluon is faster, more robust, and much more accurate than many other public […]

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[Webinar] Ease Cloud Migration with Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS

As one of nine launch partners for Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA), Perficient has developed a Kubernetes-based accelerator to take your applications to production on OpenShift in just a few hours. ROSA is a fully managed and jointly supported offering that combines the power of OpenShift and the AWS public cloud. On Sept. […]

PACE New Features: Customizable Surveys, Web Chat Attachments, and More!

Perficient’s Amazon Connect Experience (PACE) solution amplifies the power of Amazon Connect with several added features and managed services. As we continue to develop and customize our software to your needs, we will post blogs with new features and processes we have added, changed, or fixed. To learn more about PACE visit our dedicated landing […]

Business People Shaking Hands In Conference Room

New AWS Alliance Manager: Matt Kundtz

We are excited to welcome Matt Kundtz to Perficient as the AWS Alliance Manager!   The Alliance Manager role is a leadership position focused on the stewardship of our AWS partnership. Matt joins our team with prior experience supporting the Microsoft ecosystem where he was an account manager and team lead. He is excited to […]

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AWS Cost Analysis Comparing Lambda, EC2, Fargate

  Choosing the appropriate compute is challenging when we have many good options from AWS.  Our clients are often excited about only paying for the milliseconds of usage rather than paying for idle cloud resources.  Let’s explore what this looks like with Lambda’s pricing model and compare it to other popular compute choices.  Let’s see some examples of how good Lambda is at saving money when the workload […]

He's Always Ready To Help

Why Amazon Connect for Service Cloud Voice

In my previous blog, An Introduction to Service Cloud Voice, I provided a high-level overview of Service Cloud Voice and some key benefits a part of this offering. In this post, I will cover why Amazon Connect is the best option for Service Cloud Voice telephony and what some of the advantages and capabilties of […]

We'll Crack Through This Code Tonight

Introducing Our Container-Native Modernization Suite for ROSA

As a launch partner for Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA), we’ve developed a DevOps-in-a-box reference architecture and Kubernetes-based implementation for rapid application modernization. Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration platform that automates many of the manual processes involved in deploying, managing, and scaling containerized applications. This means you can cluster together groups of […]

Cloud Computing

Transitioning your Infrastructure to Architecture as Code

At Perficient we are passionate about encouraging engineers as generalists and exemplifying unparalleled productivity by modernizing common engineering pain points. We’re also big believers in flexible teams and finding unique solutions that allow a group of creative individuals to take on projects of all types and sizes with high efficiency. The Cloud Development Kit (CDK) and Fargate are new services from AWS that […]

Upcoming Oracle Cloud Webinar with NGL

Perficient a Launch Partner for Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA)

Accelerating digital transformation requires flexibility and efficiency, while also ensuring security, governance, and support structures of your public cloud strategy. For many years, Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Red Hat have collaborated to provide groundbreaking hybrid cloud solutions. Whether you’re migrating legacy applications, modernizing applications via cloud-native development, or embracing container orchestration, AWS and Red […]

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