Performance Matters. According to Amazon, 1 second of load lag time would cost them 1.6 billion in sales per year. Walmart says, for every second of improvement, they receive a 2% conversion increase. According to Akamai, every 100-millisecond delay in website load time can hurt conversion rates by 7%. And for every second delay in […]
Assistive Technologies for Speech Synthesis and Voice Generation
Communication is an essential human need, enabling us to connect, share ideas, and convey emotions. For individuals with speech disabilities, expressing themselves can be a significant challenge. However, the rapid evolution of assistive technologies has led to groundbreaking solutions in the form of speech synthesis and voice generation. In this article, we’ll explore the transformative […]
Migrating Sitecore SXA themes from MyGet to NPMJS
Sitecore recently announced they are moving away from MyGet and to NPMJS for its package provider. After November 2023 the MyGet public feeds will be unavailable and any SXA themes and publishing pipelines should be updated before that time. Sitecore was unable to retain the @sxa prefix with this move and as a result, the […]
Unveiling the Power and Potential of GraphQL in Modern Web Development
In the dynamic world of web development, where user expectations are higher than ever and application complexity continues to grow. The need for efficient data retrieval and flexible APIs has become paramount. Enter GraphQL, a revolutionary query language for APIs that is reshaping how data is requested, fetched, and managed. In this comprehensive exploration, we’ll […]
Why Choose a Composable Architecture
If you’ve been following Sitecore’s architectural movement over the last few years, a lot has changed. Instead of the “all-in-one” approach of Sitecore XP, XM Cloud, and Headless encourage a composable architecture – one where Sitecore itself offers 11 SaaS products categorized into three clouds: Content Cloud, Engagement Cloud, and Commerce Cloud. However, with a […]
Navigating the Visual World: Exploring Current Assistive Technologies for Visual Disabilities
Living with visual disabilities presents unique challenges that can significantly impact an individual’s daily life. However, with the rapid advancements in technology, a multitude of innovative solutions have emerged to enhance accessibility and independence for those with visual impairments. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the range of assistive technologies that are […]
Psychological and Psychiatric Disabilities: Assistive Technologies and Adaptive Strategies Part 8
In a world that is becoming increasingly aware of the diverse needs of individuals, it’s important to shed light on an often-overlooked aspect of disabilities – psychological and psychiatric disabilities. These conditions, ranging from anxiety and depression to bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, can significantly impact an individual’s life. Fortunately, the intersection of technology and psychology […]
Local HTTPS for Optimizely, IIS, and Kestrel using certificates (Pt 2)
In part 1 of this two-part blog series on securing your local development with HTTPS and Self-Signed Certificates, I described how to create a local self-signed certificate. In this part, I’ll explain how to use that certificate to safeguard your development environment and make it even more similar to QA & Production. Bind the certificate […]
Monolithic vs. Microservice Architecture: Choosing the Right Path for Your Application
Introduction In the ever-evolving landscape of software development, choosing the right architectural approach is crucial for building robust and scalable applications. Two popular architectural styles that often come into consideration are Monolithic and Microservice. Both have their merits and trade-offs and understanding their differences is vital for making an informed decision that aligns with your […]
Understanding Headless CMS for Experienced Sitecore Developers
The concept of headless CMS has been around for a long time — some might even say that’s how the original CMS products and publishing platforms of the web operated. However the concept of headless is still fairly new in the world of Sitecore, with JavaScript Services (“JSS”) — the first true foray into headless […]
An Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Data Lake Solution for Oracle Cloud ERP by Perficient
Oracle Cloud ERP offers several built-in reporting capabilities to address the needs for operational reporting. Implementing more elaborate reporting use cases though requires that we extract data out of Oracle Cloud ERP. This is in part because the real-time Fusion APIs are more tailored for transactional interfaces and therefore not adequate to scale to a […]
Local HTTPS for Optimizely, IIS, and Kestrel using certificates (Pt 1)
Wasn’t it around 2006 when HTTPS started becoming popular? You’d go to a secure page and almost always see a message saying, “This page contains both secure and nonsecure items. Do you want to display the insecure items?” 1 “Helpful” people online posted how to disable the error. Then browsers got smarter and just stopped […]