At the May 2019 Google I/O event, Google Search and Google Assistant officially announced support and a new Google Search Console enhancement report for FAQ structured data. The FAQ markup is meant for Frequently Asked Question pages that contain all questions and answers on a single page. Adding it can create a FAQ rich […]
Renee Girard
Renee Girard is a Senior Organic Search Strategist and SEO Lead with nearly 8 years of agency experience at Perficient Digital out of the Milwaukee office. She leads SEO strategy for SMB to Fortune 1000 and Global 2000 enterprise clients and speaks at local universities and nationwide digital marketing events.
Connect with Renee

Blogs from this Author
Lessons from The Executive SEO Playbook – Part II
If you just finished part I of this blog post series and are ready for more, you’ve come to the right place! Keep reading for part II of my lessons learned from the second half of The Executive SEO Playbook: How to Integrate SEO Company-Wide for Increased Profitability, by Jessica Bowman. The Power of Buy-In […]
TechSEO Boost 2018 Conference: Recap and Commentary
Last week, I headed out to Boston to attend the second-ever TechSEO Boost, the only conference 100% dedicated to my favorite topic ever: technical SEO. This year’s theme focused on advanced and bleeding-edge topics including information retrieval and machine learning to service workers and computer programming basics. You can watch the full live stream and […]
Intro to SEO Operations: Lessons from The Executive SEO Playbook
I have a confession to make. I’ve been trying to force SEO operations and cross-channel integration across Perficient Digital and other agencies for nearly seven years. The truth is that I have failed (more than I care to admit). In all this time, I’ve put in so much effort to help others* understand what SEO […]
Bypassing the Backlog: Google Tag Manager & DTM for SEO
If you’ve ever worked with an SEO or received an SEO audit, then you’ve probably heard about HTML tags like canonicals, noindex, and structured data markup. It can be overwhelming to try and tackle all these complex tags to fix duplicate content and earn rich results, not to mention the challenge of scaling them across […]
Questions & Answers on Google Questions & Answers
Since it launched late last year, I’ve been curious about Google Questions & Answers and the potential impact on local SEO and reputation management. With incentives for Local Guides to answer crowdsourced questions appearing on local listings and no Google My Business dashboard integration to manage them at this time, it’s no surprise many brands ignore […]
Pubcon South Florida 2018 SEO Track Recap
I had the privilege to speak on Forensic SEO Audits with Alan Bleiweiss at Pubcon Florida in April. Besides Alan’s and my session, there were three other outstanding SEO presentations that I was fortunate enough to attend. Check out the key takeaways and recaps on SEO Auditing, Google’s Mobile-First Indexing, Local SEO, and Entity Optimization […]
The Value of Being Seen: A Search Visibility Matrix Tutorial
Learn how easy it is to create your own Search Visibility Matrix and automatically calculate your scores with this free Google Sheets template. Apply the calculation sitewide, or segment it for a specific keyword, or in aggregate for a set of keywords or keyword phrases. Search visibility scores can be used for both internal comparisons and competitive analysis. What It […]
Introduction to Forensic SEO Investigations
Regardless of how complex or large a website may be, developing and committing to an action plan for full-scale SEO audits is no small task. With hundreds of checklist items to investigate, it’s easy for anyone to get stuck in a cycle of analysis paralysis and get overwhelmed with information overload. Through my experience, I’ve […]
Managing Technical SEO Debt
The majority of dev projects fail to meet timelines and budget. As an SEO who’s been part of countless platform migrations and website redesigns, I can recall very few that launched both on time and within the allocated budget. When projects almost inevitably fail, it becomes easy to take shortcuts instead of investing the necessary […]
Google’s Intrusive Interstitial Update – All Bark and No Bite?!
Last August, Google announced that, starting January 2017, they would not rank mobile pages as high if the content was visually obscured by an intrusive interstitial or popup. The main reasons Google decided they would start demoting mobile pages with annoying interstitials is because it’s a bad user experience for smaller screens and frustrates users […]
Keep Calm and Learn about Google Mobile-First Indexing
Conferences are the perfect opportunities for Googler Gary Illyes to make big announcements, and this year’s Pubcon did just that. During his keynote, which I was fortunate enough to attend in Las Vegas this October, Gary announced that for the first time, Google’s index would switch from desktop to mobile, a change we touched on […]