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Kim Williams-Czopek

Kim Williams-Czopek is a Director of Digital Strategy at Perficient. She’s been a senior leader in several digital agencies, digital product companies, and served as VP of Digital on the brand side. She specializes in customer experience, commerce, digital responsibility, and digital business strategies.

Blogs from this Author


Reopening has started. Is it too late to transform?

With many US cities emerging from lockdown, businesses are considering their next moves, but some fear their window to act has passed. Even with lockdown restrictions loosening, re-entry into the world isn’t going to happen overnight, and even when it does happen, how people make their way in the world has changed forever. Reopening has […]

Personalization and Relevant Search for better customer experience

CX COVID-nnovation: the Good, the Questionable, and the Not-So-Good So Far

One and a half months into lockdown and most organizations are now through the initial scramble to assess, address, and run in the best way they are able. But some have gone beyond just getting to a run state and pushed innovation to address new and evolving customer experience expectations. But are all these “COVID-nnovations” […]

Changing Customer Behaviors

Predicting Changes in Customer Behavior Post COVID-19

Any researcher who focuses on understanding human behavior will tell you that most people report that they would do something or they would want something, but in practice they demonstrated dramatically different desires and actions. That’s what makes predicting how customer behaviors will change after COVID-19 so difficult. One source of truth we can reference […]

state of content management

Commerce During the Coronavirus – What Businesses can Do Now, Next, and for the Future – Part 3

This three-part series focuses on what digital commerce teams can do to shore up operations and remain effective right now, over the next few months, and in the mid-term future. Obviously, times are tough and every organization has unique challenges, so not everything below might apply, but sometimes the most stressful situations result in the […]

state of content management

Commerce During the Coronavirus – What Businesses can Do Now, Next, and for the Future – Part 2

This three-part series focuses on what digital commerce teams can do to shore up operations and remain effective right now, over the next few months, and in the mid-term future. Obviously, times are tough and every organization has unique challenges, so not everything below might apply, but sometimes the most stressful situations result in the […]

state of content management

Commerce During the Coronavirus – What Businesses Can Do Now, Next, and for the Future – Part 1

Times are tough for a lot of retailers right now and we are all being forced, whether we like it or not, to live in the moment as the situation related to the coronavirus shifts hour by hour. Ideally, business strategies put in place are holding out even if details need to be adjusted day […]

Digital Transformation

What If We Didn’t Call It Transformation?

Right before a new project kickoff, our client pulled me aside and said, “Don’t call it a transformation, that will just freak everyone out and we won’t get anything done.” Of course, the work IS a transformation initiative, but I understand her desire to reframe the effort to focus on the foundation for success rather […]

Voice in 2020 – Continued Growth, but Not the Way You Might Think

We’ve had a lot of conversations about mobile trends for 2020 and while there is no longer debate on whether mobile has arrived, I believe voice and “Zero UI” applications will continue to grow in usage and adoption in 2020, but not in the way you might think. All signs point to voice continuing to […]

Angry Customer

A Christmas Carol of a Terrible Customer Experience

As we approach the holidays, I’m reminded of Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol, and how Ebenezer Scrooge came to see the light after three ghosts showed him the impact his actions had on himself and those around him, and how he could save his soul and improve the lives of others if he changed his […]

Using Mobile

Essentials for Your Digital Strategy: Embracing the Mobile Evolution

Delivering seamless, consistent, and engaging experiences starts with a customer-centered digital strategy. This ongoing series explores the characteristics that make up a great digital strategy and how to deliver powerful brand moments that solidify customer loyalty and drive differentiation for your organization. Mobile technology – and the role it plays in our lives – continues […]

Working Together

The Role of a CDO Should Not Be Technology Oversight

Whether the title is “Chief Digital Officer,” “VP of Digital,” or any other flavor of ‘digital’ at the executive leadership level, an organization should make sure the responsibilities of this role are not focused on technology, but on culture and change management. These roles should focus their efforts identifying and supporting the cultural changes needed […] Resizeimage Min

Essentials for Your Digital Strategy: Digital Responsibility

Delivering seamless, consistent, and engaging experiences starts with a customer-centered digital strategy. This ongoing series explores the characteristics that make up a great digital strategy and how to deliver powerful brand moments that solidify customer loyalty and drive differentiation for your organization. When you hear “digital responsibility” what comes to mind? If your company thinks […]

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