It’s been a long time in the making, but it’s finally completed. Janssen, a pharmaceutical company owned by Johnson & Johnson, just unveiled a new digital site, The new site provides patients, caregivers, and loved ones with loads of content and resources. It even offers users the ability to customize and personalize the site […]
Posts Tagged ‘digital health’
Using Healthcare Personalization to Delight, Engage & Empower
Consumers (including members and patients) recognize personalization gives them more enjoyable and relevant experiences online that help them accomplish their goals. Health plans and providers are now adopting personalization to create positive end-to-end consumer experiences on their sites, which in turn may increase engagement, improve loyalty, lower cost of service, and improve patient outcomes. For […]
Owning the End-to-End Consumer – Patient Experience
Healthcare providers continue to focus on every interaction point consumers and patients have both online and in facility. It is critical for providers to own the end-to-end consumer-patient experience whether capabilities are empowered inside or outside the provider organization. The challenge is that providers are often reliant on multiple third party vendors for consumer and […]
The Connected Health Answer to the Addiction Epidemic
Addiction to opiates is having a major impact on the health of patient populations around the country. In fact, one sobering statistic states that more Americans died in 2014-2015 from drug overdoses than died during the entire Vietnam war. Addiction is our nation’s epidemic. It’s hitting my very own patient population here in Cincinnati especially […]
2016 Connected Health Trends: High-Touch Digital Care
As one would assume would be the case, many of the Connected Health trends are about connecting to the patient when they are not in the care setting. All of them are, in fact. However, this trend finds us trying to instill a good bedside manner into digital care. Over the past year the terms […]
2016 Connected Health Trends: Long Live Outcomes-Based Care
Here we have the next trend in the world of Connected Health for 2016. The end of Meaningful Use brought with it the beginning of other trends that will take its place (or perhaps, more accurately, its mind space and investment dollars). Such is the case with the checklist approach to patient engagement that we […]
FDA Director: We’re Watching How You Manage Product Complaints
We frequently blog about FDA Warning Letters and other regulatory and compliance issues that revolve around traditional pharmaceuticals and medical devices. However, one product segment that we haven’t yet discussed is digital health. This is because digital health products are fairly new to the market and most are still trying to figure out how FDA […]
Hot Topic: Retail Strategy for Healthcare #HITsm Tweet Chat
Participants of a tweet chat hosted by HL7 Health Standards on Friday, March 6, certainly had a lot to say on the topic: A Real Retail Strategy for Healthcare. The hour-long session drew 104 healthcare professionals who posted 980 tweets in response to five questions centered how the industry could benefit from the retail industry’s […]
Keeping A Personal Touch in #Digital Healthcare
Next time you are in a restaurant, coffee shop or on public transportation, take a look around at the number of people occupied by their smartphones and tablets instead of engaging with those right next to them. As a society, we are becoming increasingly depersonalized and relying more on electronic communications and less on face […]
#TexasHIMSS: Reaching Teens with Digital Health
During a breakout session at Texas HIMSS today, I attended “Reaching adolescents through electronic health portals: Lessons from the field” by Peggy B. Smith, MA, Ph.D. While I normally lean towards the positive in providing insights from these breakout sessions, being a presenter is no easy feat, I must start with a couple of not […]
Innovation in Healthcare
Innovation can happen when we don’t expect it. Big data innovation is yet to be fully realized as more data crosses the internet in a few seconds than was stored in total a few years ago. New job titles like “data scientist” are emerging around the possibilities. This new job may be the coolest job […]
Hang on; I’m getting a notification from my body on my phone
Today I heard an airplane defined as a number of parts flying in formation. That is an accurate description of an airplane if your work is to maintain or repair airplanes. But that definition isn’t right for marketing air travel to people who fly as often as I do. I would prefer to know that […]