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Posts Tagged ‘Data Privacy’

Digital Experiences

Address Data Privacy Challenges and What Future Laws to Expect

Previously, I discussed the compliance hurdles that will come with the California Consumer Privacy Act. This final blog of the series addresses data privacy challenges and highlights a few future laws that will be enacted soon. In order to overcome these data privacy challenges, you can implement automated data scanning/discovery and correction tools, or data […]


Compliance Hurdles You Can Expect With the CCPA

My last blog introduced the CCPA and discussed how it will impact automotive companies. This blog examines compliance hurdles that will come with the California Consumer Privacy Act. The vast majority of the issues that you will face when working towards CCPA compliance are technical ones. You will need to create a “compliance portal” to […]

Staying competitive in 2020 with data and analytics.

10 Data and Analytics Trends in 2020

The importance of data and analytics will continue to grow in 2020 and there are ten trends your organization should take note of to stay competitive. In the video below, I’ve outlined these ten trends and what you can do to stay on top of them. 10 Data and Analytics Trends in 2020 [Video] Data […]

NYDFS 500 and GDPR in Financial Services – Actions to Take Now

My previous blog focused on addressing the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and all the regulations that came with it. In my final post of this series, I want to outline the actions you can take to remain proactive with data privacy laws surrounding NYDFS 500 and GDPR. Understanding NYDFS 500 and GDPR, their impacts […] Resizeimage Min

Essentials for Your Digital Strategy: Digital Responsibility

Delivering seamless, consistent, and engaging experiences starts with a customer-centered digital strategy. This ongoing series explores the characteristics that make up a great digital strategy and how to deliver powerful brand moments that solidify customer loyalty and drive differentiation for your organization. When you hear “digital responsibility” what comes to mind? If your company thinks […]

Slavija Roundabout

Essentials for Your Digital Strategy: A Brand-Owned Data Loop

Delivering seamless, consistent, and engaging experiences starts with a customer-centered digital strategy. This ongoing series explores the characteristics that make up a great digital strategy and how to deliver powerful brand moments that solidify customer loyalty and drive differentiation for your organization. Great digital experiences depend on how well organizations understand customers’ needs. Site analytics, […]

GDPR Compliance – Encryption

On 25th May 2018, everybody woke up to find their inbox “spammed” with mails from companies about redefining their data privacy policies containing the term GDPR. Every site that one logged into had a pop up, “We have updated our Data Privacy Policy”. So, what is this all about? Small Word, Big Impact It is […]

2016 Connected Health Trends: The Patient/Consumer Data Story

If you haven’t noticed by now, 2016 is a year when the patient data story will become increasingly complex. In this 2016 trends report we have already witnessed: Increased ownership of data by patients Increase in patient generated data by way of mobile device Challenges around the security of data in the growing world of […]

2016 Connected Health Trends: Internet of Things & Security

More and more often we are seeing Connected Health trends make friends with neighboring technology solutions. Such is the case, for example, with the digitized longitudinal care plan that relies upon both Business Intelligence and Interoperability to, in time, connect the patient to their care plan. However, just as some medications create side effects that […]

Keeping Data Secure In Life Sciences

In 2015, companies in all industries experienced data security breaches. From Anthem, one of the nation’s leading health benefits companies, to the UCLA Health System, all the way to Hzone, a matchmaking mobile application for HIV positive singles, no company was safe from a data breach. Increasing data privacy and security is a trend that […]

A Look Inside Healthcare Data & Device Security

With the continued move towards digital securing patient data has moved to the top of the list for many healthcare organizations. I sat down with David Chou (@dchou1107) to talk about data and device privacy and security and get his perspective on the challenges and what organizations can be doing to protect themselves and their […]

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