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Posts Tagged ‘application development’

How to Develop a New Feature in Your Application

One of the joys of owning an iPhone is seeing that my applications have awaiting updates. As a consumer, there is a lot of joy in being able to enjoy new features without having to pay extra money or in some cases, buy a completely new phone. As an innovative organization, you might feel a […]

Sonatype Survey Explores the State of DevOps

DevOps growth has been noted by both the media and industry players in early 2017. As the cloud takes root and organizations move from adoption to innovation, our partner Sonatype set out to understand what the impact has been. Enter the 2017 DevSecOps Community Survey, a comprehensive survey of 2,300 professionals across 37 questions. Among […]

What Happens Post DevOps Deployment?

The stardom and emphasis of DevOps results in industry experts focusing on continuous innovation, which includes automation, deployment, integration, and planning. After all, these key pieces help the business grow and scale in crowded and competitive markets. Nevertheless, with that said, what happens post-deployment? DevOps and Facilitating Connected Experiences The most important part of the […]

Video: Improving First Interactions for Learning Care Group

When children are engaged in constructive play and learning from an early age, they have a lifetime of benefits – like improved academic performance throughout their educational career, a love of learning, and improved emotional development. That’s why Learning Care Group is committed to creating state-of-the-art facilities with the latest technology and expert-driven curriculum. To match the […]

12 Days of DevOps: 4 Automated Chat Bots

“On the fourth day of Christmas, my IT guy gave to me, 4 automated chat bots” In recent years, organizations have emphasized on bettering user experiences, from creating mobile-responsive websites to fast-loading mobile applications. These features were implemented to match rising customer experiences from a passive perspective and were matched by search engines and social […]

[Guide]: Transforming IT with the AWS Ecosystem

As you look to innovate with the cloud in 2017, what platforms are you considering? As you assess your options, examine the capabilities and how they will help your organization reach its goals. Notably, as we hit the holiday season and see technology resources increased due to spikes in traffic, it’s more important than ever […]

Eli Lilly Launched 50+ Apps On Salesforce

As one of Salesforce’s strategic partners, I’m glad to share the success Eli Lilly is having with the Salesforce platform. According to a press release that was issued by Salesforce, the pharmaceutical company has launched 50+ internal and external applications over the last two years. TrialGuide is one example. The website, which is naturally mobile-friendly, […]

Sitecore FXM Unable to locate JavaScript beacon on external site

Federated Experience Manager (FXM) is a very useful part of Sitecore, in that it allows end users to add content to and track events on external applications. This is good because it means that clients do not have to convert all of their existing applications into the Sitecore instance to use it’s functionality. In a […]

Display placeholder names in Sitecore Experience Editor

When working in the Sitecore Experience Editor, sometimes it can be a bit annoying to find various placeholders on a page. This can also cause some frustrations for content authors if they aren’t sure what they are looking for. To help with this, I wrote a bit of javascript to display the names of the […]

Publishing Info Stats for Sitecore Items

Publishing information, like who published what and when they published it, isn’t readily available in the Sitecore item information. To find this information we typically have to look into the log.* files. A client requested that publish date and publish author be added to the item information. To accomplish this I found 2 very helpful […]

Multiple email addresses for Workflow notifications

Workflows in Sitecore are an integral part of the content approval process. The email notification action is an important part of that process, in that it lets content approvers know that something is waiting for their attention. Out-of-the-box implementations of the notification actions only support a single email address to receive the messages. This can […]

Kickstart Your Fall with IBM Bluemix

If you can believe it, we are now two-thirds of the way through 2016, which means that pumpkin spice lattes, fall leaves, and the holiday shopping season are on the horizon, with business planning for 2017 not too far off. For many of us, the year only seems a few months old, but when you […]

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