In the world and today’s society, there are many clichés; I think clichés can be some of the most hurtful things as they prevent us from knowing a new person with different nationality, religion, skin color, or different musical taste. At the end of the day, we are just people who do the same things, […]
Front-End Development
Sass Maps and Iterators
One of the top rules for programmers is to stay DRY – don’t repeat yourself. CSS preprocessors are great for helping UI developers accomplish this goal. However, there are still some instances where it seems as if you can’t help but repeat yourself. Here’s a common example of background positions using a sprite: Typing “background-position” […]
8.1 Experience Editor JavaScript APIs
[su_note note_color=”#fafafa”]There are parts of Sitecore APIs that are well understood, widely used, and probably won’t change without a really good reason. And then there are relatively new APIs – some introduced along with new product features (e.g. xDB in 7.5, Content Testing in 8.0) and others added to support the shift in the underlying […]
Flexbox: The Most Powerful CSS that No One is Using
What if I told you that you can vertically center, match height, and reorder HTML using only CSS? Amazing, right? Now, what if I told you that this CSS is not supported in IE9 and only partially supported in IE10? cue Price is Right losing horn Flexbox is a very powerful set of CSS rules […]
Experience Editor: Commands, Pipelines, Requests
The SCORE team is busy working on v1.5 and the main theme for this release is Sitecore 8. Last week I was enabling (SPEAK-ifying) our Page Editor ribbon extensions and this post is a collection of thoughts and tips that I gathered along the way. Moving Parts [su_note note_color=”#fafafa”]There’s a lot of moving parts and […]
To The Controller And Back. Part 3 – DI and Multitenancy
[su_note note_color=”#fafafa”]A lot has been written on Dependency Injection with Sitecore. In this blog post I want to specifically focus on one important aspect – multitenancy – and look into how we can make our Dependency Injection multi-tenant friendly and as much native to Sitecore as possible.[/su_note] Multitenancy All good commercial grade CMS systems support […]
To The Controller And Back. Part 2 – Validation
In part 1 I looked at how Sitecore routes controllers that the forms POST to. Let’s see how you can go about validating your forms. I will show you traditional POST as well as AJAX forms with HTML fragments and JSON data. Test It Do you test your server side validation? How often did you […]
To The Controller And Back. Part 1 – Routing
Martina Welander has recently posted two great articles on POSTing forms with Sitecore MVC (part 1, part 2). I am very excited to see MVC in context of Sitecore being posted about more and more. Here at BrainJocks we fully embraced MVC since the day it came out officially supported in 6.6 and never looked […]
Proper implementation of background images w/ text inside responsive carousels
I have been asked the question so many times now, I thought it would be a perfect opportunity to post a blog about it. This way I can just forward a link to people instead of blowing air at ’em. Here it is: “Why can’t I just have an image in the foreground with text […]
Responsive Web Design / Development
I don’t know about you, but I spend a lot of time waiting. I wait for my wife while she’s shopping, I wait for doctor appointments and I wait for… you know, the list is endless. But, I do take advantage of my wait time by browsing the web using my phone. If I were […]