I’m proud to announce the release of AEM DataLayer version 0.3.0, my award winning library for programmatically generating digital marketing DataLayers in Adobe Experience Manager. This version includes: Support for AEM 6.4 and 6.5 (beta) Improved (and less verbose) logging Changing from Gson to Johnzon for JSON Serialization For more details on using the AEM […]
Dan Klco – Adobe Digital Marketing Technical Director
Dan is a certified Adobe Digital Marketing Technologist, Architect, and Advisor, having led multiple successful digital marketing programs on the Adobe Experience Cloud. He's passionate about solving complex problems and building innovative digital marketing solutions. Dan is a PMC Member of the Apache Sling project, frequent Adobe Beta participant and committer to ACS AEM Commons, allowing a unique insight into the cutting edge of the Adobe Experience Cloud platform.
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Blogs from this Author
Managing Multiple Projects with Repo
In my previous post Creating a Scalable Application Ecosystem, I described how to create an ecosystem of applications, libraries, and services rather than isolated applications. With this paradigm, you should end up with smaller, more manageable projects, but how do you manage all of these separate codebases? The Android project has this same problem in the […]
Mastering AEM Dispatcher Part 7: Securing the Dispatcher
We’re locking down the AEM Dispatcher as we continue in the series, Mastering the AEM Dispatcher. In this post, we’ll discuss gotchas with Sling Servlets and the AEM Dispatcher and a tool to scan your Dispatcher for common security issues. The AEM Dispatcher is not just a caching engine and load balancer is the first […]
Adobe Solution Overview: Marketing Website
The cornerstone of your brand’s digital presence is its website. Successfully building a website to market your brand requires coordination with multiple teams and different solutions to deliver a cohesive experience. In this video, we discuss strategies for building a world-class marketing website using the Adobe Experience Cloud platform.
Building a Zero Cost Website with Apache Sling CMS
For some time now I’ve been using an intuitive, full-featured Content Management System for managing my blog posts and other content on danklco.com. This system supports rich text editing, using a component-driven page builder, all of the content management bells & whistles, a full java app server stack for developing integrations and is 100% free […]
Creating a Scalable Application Ecosystem
The Model View Controller (MVC) pattern is a programming paradigm for creating organized, scalable applications. The MVC pattern cleanly separates applications concerns and shows developers to create complex applications without creating a tangled mess. This pattern separates the three common application concerns. Models hold and convey data. Views render the data to application viewers. And […]
Beware the Neglect Trap
The dark corners of the internet and many an extranet are filled with enterprise applications collecting dust. These applications were once viewed as a potential solution to all of the businesses problems, but they have withered on the vine and are now an impediment to doing business every day. We’ve all seen these applications, unresponsive, […]
Lucky #11: Sling 11 and Java 11 Support
The Apache Sling project just released the latest version of the Apache Sling Starter, version 11. This artifact is an aggregator of the modules making up Apache Sling and is used by many downstream applications as a basis for the “stable” version of the Apache Sling codebase.
Resource Streams in Apache Sling
Jörg Hoh recently wrote an interesting post on Content Architecture where he discussed how expensive JCR Queries could instead be replaced with targeted content structure traversals to allow finding relevant content without searching the whole AEM repository. Unfortunately, from a developer perspective, this means writing a fair amount of boilerplate code to traverse the AEM […]
Achieving Development Tranquility with the Apache Sling Service User WebConsole
A video about the Apache Sling Service User WebConsole a new feature in AEM from Perficient/Digital that will make creating service users significantly easier for AEM developers.
Proactive Monitoring of AEM in Adobe Managed Services with Sling Health Checks
Implementing proactive monitoring of AEM web applications using Sling Health Checks and Nagios when hosting through Adobe Managed Services.
Adobe Insider Tour Part 1: Coming Soon
As I drive past the windmills* on the way back from the Adobe Insiders tour in Chicago I think about how much of a privilege it is to be able to see ahead to what Adobe has in the works for Analytics and to know what will be coming soon. I’d like to share some […]