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Giving the Power of Speech Real Horsepower with Voice-to-Everything Capabilities

Couple Using Voice Assistant On Tablet Sitting In Car, Back View

With the 2024 Paris Summer Olympics now behind us, I pause for a moment to reflect on a time when the last summer games were held in Europe. The year was 2012, and the Olympics had just wrapped up in London, the queen had celebrated 60 years upon the throne, and in true royal fashion, I had just purchased the latest Ford Explorer.  

This Ford Explorer came in Triple Black with every feature including the latest version of sync with voice control. I was giddy with excitement and felt like I was Captain Kirk at the helm of the Starship Enterprise steering towards new horizons. But… the voice activation was not what I had hoped for.  

When attempting to call my mother, I got my friend Monica, and when trying to dial a colleague, I received a childhood friend. If you know me, then you understand that navigation isn’t my strong suit, and when searching for directions to Birmingham in Michigan, I would consequently be sent to Alabama. You get the picture.  

Speed back to 2024 and voice-to-everything is transforming the automotive industry. Thankfully, the voice control in my 2023 Ford Edge is now working much better — the way it was intended. 

Voice-to-Everything Technology Allows for Expanded Vehicle Control  

The automotive industry is undergoing a significant transformation driven by advancements in technology that are reshaping the way we interact with our vehicles. One of the most exciting developments in this space is the rise of voice-to-everything (VTE) technology. This innovation is poised to redefine the driving experience, increasing intuition, safety, and making it more connected than ever before.  

VTE technology refers to the integration of voice-controlled systems throughout a vehicle, allowing drivers and passengers to interact with the car’s functions using simple voice commands. This technology leverages advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NLP) to understand and execute spoken instructions, minimizing the need for physical controls or manual inputs. In essence, VTE in automotive transforms your voice into the primary interface for controlling the vehicle, including everything from adjusting the climate controls, to navigating to destinations, or even managing entertainment options.  

Just Like Language Itself, Voice Technology Has Evolved Over Time 

The Evolution of VTE in cars isn’t entirely new, but it has come a long way from the rudimentary systems of the past. Early voice-activated systems often struggled with accuracy, limited vocabulary, and rigid command structures. However, recent advancements in AI and machine learning have dramatically improved these systems, enabling them to understand context, recognize natural speech patterns, and respond accurately even in noisy environments. Modern vehicles are now equipped with sophisticated voice assistants that can manage a wide range of functions. These systems are no longer just limited to basic commands; they can engage in complex interactions, understand conversational language, and even learn from user preferences over time. 

How Voice-to-Everything is Transforming the Driving Experience

The integration of VTE in vehicles offers several significant benefits, fundamentally changing how drivers and passengers interact with their cars.

To begin, VTE makes the driving experience more convenient and user-friendly. Instead of fumbling with buttons or touchscreens, drivers can simply speak their commands. This ease of use is particularly beneficial in complex, multitasking scenarios, such as driving in heavy traffic or during long trips. Modern VTE systems can learn from the driver’s habits and preferences, offering a personalized experience. For instance, the system can remember your preferred routes, favorite radio stations, or climate settings, automatically adjusting to your preferences as soon as you step into the car. 

Further, as vehicles become more connected, VTE plays a crucial role in integrating the car with other smart devices and services. Drivers can use voice commands to interact with their smartphones, smart homes, and other connected systems, creating a seamless experience that extends beyond the vehicle.

This hands-free approach is not only more convenient but also significantly enhances safety by reducing distractions.  By enabling drivers to control various functions without taking their hands off the wheel or eyes off the road, VTE greatly enhances driving safety.  Whether it’s making a phone call, changing a song, or setting up navigation, voice commands allow drivers to stay focused on the road. An additional benefit is increased productivity during long commutes, which significantly improves the driver experience. 

Finally, VTE is paving the way for the future of autonomous driving. As cars become more autonomous, voice commands will likely become the primary mode of interaction between the driver and the vehicle, allowing for smooth control of the car’s functions even when manual driving is no longer required. 

Let’s Drive Towards a Voice-Powered Future Together 

Voice-to-everything is rapidly becoming a cornerstone of the modern automotive experience. By making driving safer, more convenient, and more connected, this technology is set to revolutionize the way we interact with our vehicles. As it continues to evolve, VTE will play a crucial role in shaping the future of transportation, bringing us closer to a world where the sound of our voice is all that’s needed to command the road. Just to be clear, I am not yet ready to include my vehicle in my friend group, or as part of my fantasy team, but it’s clear that the voice-driven car is more than just a concept—it’s the future.  

As I’ve mentioned in a previous blog, Perficient is in the middle of conducting primary research on connected products. We also have a robust innovations lab that routinely helps OEMs with their customer experiences, data needs, and cloud infrastructure.  Please explore our automotive expertise and schedule a meeting, as we would love to discuss how we can help create a sustainable competitive advantage for you. 

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Keith Tomatore

A long-time senior executive in the auto industry who has held the position of SVP, Retail Marketing at Global Team Blue (GTB, a WPP Company) on the Ford Retail Business. In this role, Keith worked with the Ford Dealer Associations across the country to help them with their Precision Marketing and digital efforts. Also, he served as CEO of iFrog Marketing Solutions, which focused on Automotive advertising solutions for Tier 2 and Tier 3.

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