In this installment, I will discuss a few key takeaways of the PPM Rapid Install sheet. The PPM Rapid Installation is very helpful in getting an environment up very quickly. It also provides a structure in capturing configuration data. Depending on which features are suited, and selected, for your company, the sheet will enable related dependencies. It is well suited in either including what is applicable, or, cutting out what is not relevant to your company.
PPM Rapid Install Prerequisites
PPM Rapid Install has a few prerequisites. At a minimum, GL setups: COA, LE’s, ledger, and Business Units. If you are intent on loading anything Person related you must have them setup in the system already.
PPM Rapid Install Key Take-Aways
Initially you select the highest-level project characteristics your company intends to use. For example, will you use projects for capital asset tracking and retirement? Do you need contract billing, invoicing and revenue recognition? Are Cross Charge and/or burdening of costs required? All of these are configured using PPM Rapid Install.
Another helpful, but optional, feature is that Departments and Jobs can be configured using the PPM Rapid Install sheet. Enter the Departments that will own or otherwise use projects. The system will create a new Department or update the details (i.e. update the org as a Department), whether a new or existing Department respectively. There may be a case where an existing organization cannot be updated as a Department. When this occurs a new Department will be created with the same name. Lastly, Jobs entered in the Job Rates tab that don’t already exist will be created when uploaded.
Project Roles deserve a special mention. You can enter role names that are meaningful to your company. However, you may associate only those Enterprise Roles listed in the sheet.
Post upload of the PPM Rapid Install there is some required manual configuration of Project Templates, users and user roles.
As I’ve discussed, the PPM Rapid Install is a helpful tool in quickly raising an environment and capturing the configuration data.
Contact us so we can help you in using the PPM Rapid Install on your way to a successful PPM implementation!