Synonyms: care, instruction, education, training
From a definition standpoint, when we talk about nurturing, we are specifically referring to lead nurturing, which is the process of building and strengthening relationships with your prospects at every stage of the buyer’s journey. Specifically, nurturing is focused on the communication that takes listening to prospects (aka data) and providing information to progress prospects into the next buying stage and answering the questions that those users have at whatever stage they are in.
Why do we care about nurturing?
The Future is Digital
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There are a few reasons we care about nurturing. First, if you have been following along in the series and read the loyalty post, you will know that it is more costly to acquire new customers than retain loyal ones, and nurturing is one of the most effective ways to build loyalty with your users/customers. We also care about nurturing because of the rich data that we get from seeing what content/messages prospects and customers respond to and what ultimately impacts their decision to purchase.
How do we start lead nurturing?
Well, it’s great that nurturing comes after marketing automation (MA), as MA is one of the most common and most effective ways to nurture leads. Taking onsite behavior and translating that into targeted messages in a user’s inbox is a great way to start the lead nurturing process.
If you want to chat more about strategies to nurture your users, fill out the contact form or HMU on twitter @jgrozalsky.
Stay thirsty, friends!