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Amazon Connect and Salesforce Integration – Latest Updates

One of the benefits of working with Amazon Connect is its ability to integrate with third party platforms, such as Salesforce. The Amazon Connect CTI Adapter is a browser-based Contact Control Panel (CCP) that integrates with the Salesforce CRM. First released in 2017, the adapter enhances the functionality across both platforms, providing a more robust customer experience.

The integration consists of a managed Salesforce package and an AWS serverless application deployed to your AWS environment. The AWS application contains a number of Lambda functions that interact with the Salesforce environment, giving contact center agents the ability to offer a more personalized service to their customers. The latest announcements can be found here:

The latest updates and improvements to the CTI Adapter included in the V3 release include the following:

  1. Single-sign on (SSO): The latest version provides a seamless login experience between Amazon Connect and Salesforce with any standard SAML 2.0 provider.
  2. Omnichannel support: This allows businesses using Salesforce chat, SMS and email to share their agent status or presence with Amazon Connect. Amazon Connect will then automatically know when an agent is handling a Salesforce chat and make them unavailable for a voice call.
  3. Improved screen-pop capabilities: Businesses can now pop screens within Salesforce based on information they collect from the caller (for example: phone number or case number). Additionally, all the information collected can be shared with the agent to give them context of the call before answering it.


    Image source: Salesforce Appexchange

  4. Improved case management capabilities: All calls answered by the agent will be captured as call activities associated with the case. The agent can then revisit the case in Salesforce and pull up the associated activities and a recording of the call.
  5. Voice transcription of recorded calls is now available: Amazon will transcribe the voice call and agents can use Amazon Comprehend to analyze things such as customer sentiment.


    Image source: Salesforce Appexchange

Other improvements and updates:

  • Agents now have the ability to specify a custom ringtone.
  • It’s possible to screen-pop task pages at the start or end of a phone call, and edit the subject line.
  • Ability to add an extra participant in an existing call between an agent and customer, via click to dial.
  • Automatic task creation is now enabled on outbound calls.
  • Integrated reports between both platforms allow for sharing of metrics for tracking purposes.

Instructions for integrating the Amazon CTI Adapter in Salesforce:

The Amazon CTI Adapter for Salesforce is free and can be downloaded from this page. In order to make use of the all the new features, improvements and updates listed above, you will first need to install it. Full documentation and step-by-step instructions with screenshots can be found in this guide.

For further questions about how Perficient’s Amazon Connect experts can help you improve your contact centers, please get in touch with us.

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