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Struggling with Salesforce Adoption? Here’s Why

Organizational Change Management (OCM) has a profound impact on the probability of staying on schedule and on budget, resulting in a higher benefit realization as well as greater ROI.

The OCM advisory firm Prosci estimates that two-thirds of all enterprise-level projects fail to meet business objectives and ultimately bring little or no ROI due to poor adoption techniques instead of inadequate technology.

Top Reasons for Low Salesforce Adoption

When technology doesn’t stick, it often stems from missed expectations in the following areas.

Unrealistic expectations

Companies thought they were getting a Tesla, but could only afford a Honda.

Competing priorities

Companies know they want XYZ out of Salesforce, but they don’t have enough time/resources/money to tackle it.

Not knowing one’s own processes

People see flashy things in demos, but don’t understand the complexities of incorporating them into the business.

Business groups operate in silos and there is no communication

Or just the opposite – too many cooks in the kitchen!

Leadership is not setting the course to steer the ship

The number one factor Prosci deems necessary for project success is active and visible executive sponsorship.

Communication breakdowns

Employees depend on clear communication.

Trying to boil the ocean or build a Rube Goldberg device

Perficient has a refined process proven to ensure you’re moving at a speed and accomplishing the tasks that are appropriate for your business goals.

“Individuals learn and respond better to coherent explanations for change, and do so most readily if presented as part of a storyline,” explains Elise Olding, research vice president at Gartner.

Stop Struggling with Salesforce Adoption

But fear not, help is on the way. Perficient is known for coming in to turnaround those projects that have not taken off the way they were promised.

make_salesforce_stickIf you’re new to Salesforce, even better, because Perficient’s dedicated OCM practice will create your own Case for Change report to guide you through all steps of your implementation.

To get a preview of what to expect, download our guide Make Salesforce Stick: Prepare for Success with Change Management. Our experts share the top things businesses need to do for employees to actually start using Salesforce for the tool it is.

If you have questions, reach out! We’re happy to talk through your challenges and help find a solution.

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Marisa Lather, Marketing Manager

Marisa Lather is the Employment Branding Marketing Manager at Perficient and is proudly dedicated to developing the Perficient culture. Known as @MarketerMarisa, she is a data-driven design thinker who specializes in creating aesthetic brand experiences that delight. With an inbound marketing specialization in multimedia content creation and engagement, she develops and executes omnichannel campaigns, blending online and offline worlds to create data-informed content and affinity-building experiences for brands. She is actively engaged in the national marketing community, blogs about modern business, personal development, marketing, and more at, and speaks at conferences around the country. Connect with Marisa on LinkedIn and follow @MarketerMarisa on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest.

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