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Digital Transformation

The Value of a Personalized Experience

Google likes to put interesting statistics.  While you can’t plan your business around this stat, you can see where the market’s going and what you need to do in your own digital channels.


It’s one thing to say the personalization makes a difference but what does it really take?  Here are some thoughts that show how digital transformation is about far more than lipstick on a pig:

  1. Personalization means you have the data necessary to do the personalization.  It also means you’ve invested in tools and resources for web analytics, CRM, customer data warehouse / related data lake, etc.
  2. Personalization means you’ve invested in tools that allow you to create the experience. Now we are talking rules engines, personalization rules, rules on top of IoT, etc.
  3. The hardest part of personalization is the business taking the time to define what personalization should be done.  I’ve seen far too much deer in the headlights for this.
  4. The good news is that experience optimization can help you figure out what personalization and experience works.  However, that also drives additional investment in resources, A/B testing tools, etc.
  5. Don’t forget the integration component. You have to get the data and insights to the place where you create the experience.


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Michael Porter

Mike Porter leads the Strategic Advisors team for Perficient. He has more than 21 years of experience helping organizations with technology and digital transformation, specifically around solving business problems related to CRM and data.

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