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Posts Tagged ‘Social Media’

Conference Review – IBM Business Analytics Summit, Chicago

I recently attended the IBM Business Analytics Summit in Chicago.  My IBM “Analytics” experience at this point in my career is limited.  Consequently, the purpose of attending this summit was to gain a better understanding of the IBM product offerings, gain some contacts in the industry, and to understand some “real-life” examples of what is […]

Mobile Payment Apps Get Pull-through

While they’re not ubiquitous yet, payment apps are starting to be discussed in places not normally known for attention to payment issues, such as Andrew Sullivan’s Dish. The thread is primarily commiseration around a specific retail pain point, but the curated discussion highlights perspectives from both an end-user and someone that works in a place that […]

What is new in IBM Connections 4.5

In January, IBM announced an update to IBM Connections.  Now called IBM Connections 4.5, the major new feature is the addition of a document library.  The document library feature is based on IBM Filenet, and includes the standard features you would expect to see: check-in/out; upload documents; search; the ability to set document types, and […]

Evernote's Security Breach and A Good Reaction

I’ve been seeing a lot of news about hackers taking their game to the next level.  You can see this with Twitter’s recent blog post and forced reset of many users passwords.  In keeping with the trend, Evernote just posted about similar attacks and recommended that all users reset their passwords even though they don’t […]

Evernote’s Security Breach and A Good Reaction

I’ve been seeing a lot of news about hackers taking their game to the next level.  You can see this with Twitter’s recent blog post and forced reset of many users passwords.  In keeping with the trend, Evernote just posted about similar attacks and recommended that all users reset their passwords even though they don’t […]

Get Social at HIMSS 2013

The #HIMSS and #HIMSS13 hashtags have been generating more and more buzz as we pass the two week mark before the show opens. The annual HIMSS conference is a very social event, and the long list of Tweet Ups and Tweet Chats reflects this. Here are a few of the social media events that Perficient […]

SaaS in the Social and Portal World

We’ve all seen a lot of hype in the world about software as a service.  Every major and many minor software vendors are rolling out SaaS solutions.  In the SharePoint 2012 conference Microsoft pretty much said that their main push will be to the cloud through Office 365 first and Azure second.  IBM has made […]

LinkedIn Brilliant Marketing Campaign – Member Ego Booster!

One of the hottest discussions, blogs, and topics discussed this week is LinkedIn’s email congratulating its members for having one of the “Top 1%, 5%, 10%” most viewed profiles in 2012. I, also am one of the candidates who received the email with top 5% seen below: My first impression doubted the email at face […]

Social Media customer interaction channel disrupter

It used to be if you wanted to sell someone a product, you hired a sales team and went door to door or you set up a store front where people came in to buy. Then came call centers and inventory warehouses that allowed people to sell in bulk. Then the evolution of the internet […]

Rethinking the Customer Journey in a Social World Infographics

Read a great article this week by Mark Fidelman about the customer journey in the social world (infographic). As you all know, SOCIAL (internal business related social in particular) is one of the hottest topics in the CRM space and will be for all of 2013. With Microsoft’s purchase last year of Yammer, more and […]

IBM Connect: Social CMO

Michael Porter (@porteronportal) and Saren Sakurai (@saren) of Perficient spoke at the last day of IBM Connect 2013.  The title of the talk is the Social CMO: Engaging the Consumer.  The goal of digital marketing is the right message to the right audience at the right time on the right device. 4 primary objectives of […]

What you need to know about IBM Social Analytics

At the IBM Connect conference, we heard about some of IBM’s approach to Social Analytics.  In a nutshell, you can break the strategy into two main areas: External Customer Analytics  Employee Analytics In both areas, the overall approach involves social listening, data collection, segmentation and deep analytics.  What we heard from IBM was a focus […]

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