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Posts Tagged ‘search’

Customer Engagement: Harnessing Disruption

This week I’m attending Customer Engagement World in New York. “The Customer is the New Boss” is Lawrence Dvorchik’s theme for Customer Engagement World. But hasn’t the customer always been the boss? We always say customer is the boss, but our engagements methods rarely reflect this. Too often companies are trying to engage in a one-way […]

How many Personal sites do I have in my O365 tenant?

Personal sites (formerly known as My Sites) are provisioned on demand in Office 365. Only when the user first clicks e.g. their OneDrive link in the suite bar is their personal site actually provisioned. This was a prudent architectural decision on Microsoft’s part to not provision space until it is actually needed. Anybody who managed […]

Everything You Need to Know About Delve & Office Graph

Ok, I’ve got to admit I really meant to say “Almost everything you need to know in first Release.” The more you share, the more you get. Believe in that? Office 365 community does and as a result , this week Microsoft hosted “Delve Yamjam” to coincide with the launch of the new Office 365 […]

Delve Has Arrived

How long have you been patiently waiting for this amazing new search powered app called “Delve”? Days, weeks, months? The wait is finally over with Microsoft announcing today that it is releasing Delve to office 365 subscribers! What is Delve? Delve is a new way to search and discover content with Office graph in the […]

Compelling Case for Office 365

Everyone has an opinion on “Cloud’ and its effect on the business, for some it’s scary in terms of data security and for some it’s revenue generation and cost savings. There are a number of reasons why cloud computing is so widely used among businesses today. Some of them include Reduction of costs – lower […]

Adobe Summit: The Convergence of Search and Social

Marc Blinder, Director of Social Marketing at Adobe and Jon Beeston, Director of New Product Innovation at Adobe presented on the trend of search and social convering.  Twitter is a great example of that where we share but also search. Theme: Search and Social platforms are converging – which  means successful marketers musth have one […]

Adobe Summit: Building a Global Digital Marketing Platform

This session had a nice abstract that set some high expectations for a case study. Creating a dynamic platform to support global digital marketing programs? PwC and USG developed a strategic plan and roadmap to deliver an integrated solution that enables local markets to take advantage of the global investment, from digital asset management, assets […]

SPC Keynote: For IT Pros

This is going to be a hard hitting session with lots of stats and lots of new features delivered rapid fire.  Hence my heavy use of bullets. 30% of all IT spending will be in the cloud by 2020.  It’s IT as a service.  Keep in mind, SharePoint is one product but there are many […]

SharePoint 2013 Search: JavaScript CSOM Primer

A lot of JavaScript incoming! With the rise of SharePoint Online, custom search solutions through JavaScript have become a staple for the development work for clients. While a lot of your search basics can be handled through simple modification of Display Templates (see some of my previous blogs for some basics there), the opportunity still […]

Presto! The new SQL engine for Big Data

Facebook has been one of the software pioneers when it comes to Big Data.  They have an continuously increasing amount of data that constantly needs to be indexed and queried in a fast, efficient manner.  Facebook originally developed Hive which is a distributed data warehouse that allows for querying and managing of large data sets.  They released […]

Sitecore Search and Index Rebuild

This situation came up and was logged as a bug with a client. While I had been exposed to the issue at a previous client, other folks on the team were not as familiar and unsure what to do next as a result of the message. Due to that I figured I would put together […]

Content by Search Now Available in Office 365 SharePoint Online!

Intranets in SharePoint Online just got a lot more powerful. Hot off the presses from the SharePoint Blog, the Content (by) Search Web Part is now available in Office 365 SharePoint Online. This is a major announcement for those looking to do intranets on SP Online, because this web part allows you to easily deliver […]

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