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Posts Tagged ‘Json’

Json Data Processing with Mule Transformers and Dataweave

As REST APIs are taking over the world, json has stood out and become the de facto data format for APIs. It’s important that developers are familiar with json data processing. A couple of years ago I wrote a blog post discussing Mule Json transformers. Since then, I have seen many new nuances dealing with […]

MuleSoft – Correlating Array and HashMap with Dataweave

In data processing, two of the most common collection data types are array (list) and map (HashMap). The key difference between a list and a map is how they are accessed. A list is accessed by an integer positional index, such as list. However, map is accessed by a key, such as map.getValue(“key1”) or simply […]

3 steps on creating Premium caller contact flow with Amazon Connect

If a business goal is improving customer satisfaction, Amazon Connect can be used with DynamoDB and AWS Lambda to personalize caller experience as well as ensure Agents have all the necessary information needed to provide a premium experience to the caller. With this article, we will go through three easy steps to create separate contact […]

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AEM 6.3: Handling Feelings of Deprecation

Have you noticed new warnings showing up on your JSONObject? Have your Felix SCR Annotations not been looking quite right? If so, you may have a case of AEM 6.3.     AEM 6.3 is the latest version of Adobe Experience Manager. While this new version comes with some great new features such as Content […]

NoSQL – CouchDB vs Couchbase

It has been a trend to employ NoSQL database in the modern application system development for either local or cloud platforms. We know that NoSQL stands for “Not the SQL relational database”, but more accurately, it is “Not only the SQL relational database.” NoSQL database can handle structured datasets well in the traditional way, but […]

Handle JSON Data Using JavaScript Expression in OSB 12c

Oracle Service Bus 12.2.1 provides a JavaScript action, which allows us to include snippets of JavaScript code to be executed during proxy pipeline processing. The most common case for using JavaScript is when dealing with JSON objects in REST services. Rather than converting the payload to XML and using XQuery or XSLT for manipulation, using […]

Processing JSON with Mule Transformers

To see more on Mule Json data processing, please follow this newer blog post: When a JSON object comes into Mule application, it’s very common it’s represented as a JSON formatted string. For example, when it’s part of HTTP post string or part of the message received from an Amazon SQS queue. In order to process the JSON formatted […]

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Building a single-application component using Sitecore MVC, JS MVVM Framework and SCORE – PART 1

In this series of posts, I would like to show our readers how to build out a single-application component in Sitecore using one of the many popular MVVM JS frameworks on the market – in this case Knockout, together with SCORE. Even if you don’t use SCORE in your project, you can still follow along […]

Token-Based Authentication: Part 1- JWT with DP Firmware

This tutorial series explains how to issue and validate different types of tokens such as JWT(JSON Web Token) , SAML HoK(Holder-of key) using IBM DataPower gateway. In this article, you learn about the issuance and validation of JWT with firmware v In Part-2, you will learn to issue and validate the JWT with firmware […]

Azure – NoSQL database DocumentDB now Generally Available

Last week Microsoft released Azure DocumentDB out of beta and made it generally available. As stated by Microsoft: We are pleased to announce that Azure DocumentDB is now generally available. DocumentDB is a fully managed NoSQL document database service that allows applications to query and process JSON data at scale. With general availability, DocumentDB is […]

Integrating Datapower XI 52 with Operational Decision Manager

In recent times, the need to follow government regulations and identify fraud to avoid financial loss as become more prominent. This forced companies in financial and health care domains to implement stricter business processes. The need to adapt and build better business process requires to use Business Rules Management System (BRMS) which will allow to […]

DataPower’s handling of RESTful services via JSON

In the IBM DataPower world, JSON is the representational format used by the RESTful façade exposed by the appliance. Starting with firmware version 3.8, there has been a gradual increase in the number of ways that JSON payload is handled. DataPower services that will handle and process JSON messages include: Multi-Protocol Gateway (MPGW) XML Firewall Web […]

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