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Posts Tagged ‘jquery’

Woman Coding

Exploring jQuery’s Tree Traversing: Unleashing the DOM Navigation Potential

The popular JavaScript library jQuery simplifies DOM manipulation with powerful traversal methods. Web developers need to traverse the DOM tree to interact with HTML components. This blog covers jQuery’s DOM traversal using simple examples to teach navigation techniques. Understanding the DOM Tree:  Let’s define the DOM tree before learning jQuery’s tree traversal techniques. It’s the […]


Understanding jQuery UI in Magento 2

jQuery is nothing but a JavaScript library which helps to manipulate the content, event handling, ajax and traversing through the document. jQuery UI extends the jQuery functionality with the set of options to improve the User Interface, adding effects, themes, and widgets. If you would like to know what is jQuery and its advantages in […]

Lee Campbell 6njoebtarec Unsplash

Creating Your First Custom AEM Component Using React

Recently, I went through an article about integrating React JS and Angular JS with AEM. In this blog, I am going to show you how to create a custom component that includes a cq:dialog and one that does not include a cq:dialog. Before building the components, clone the repository, which is a sample project based […]

Reusable Components for a CMS, Using the Revealing Module Pattern

Before we get started, I recommend reading about the revealing module pattern and closure, if you’re not already familiar with them. When you are building components for use in a CMS, it’s important to understand that you have less control over the use of these components than you may initially think. Programming these blocks in such […]

#AdobeSummit Standout: PhoneGap and Framework7 for Mobile Apps

We’ve seen many innovative features and products launched at Adobe Summit 2017. As a developer, one cool feature that attracted me the most was the development of a hybrid mobile application with PhoneGap along with Framework7 open source UI framework. When developing a mobile application using JavaScript, CSS and native libraries, I have faced issues with […]

Introduction to jQuery select2 plugin

Level of expertise: Beginner, Intermediate Prerequisite: JQuery/JavaScript Concept: This POC is intended to illustrate Select2, a JQuery Plugin which is used as a replacement for select box with support for searching, tagging, remote data sets, infinite scrolling and many other highly used options and contains event handling. The sample project explains basic usage of select2 […]

Modular JavaScript in Sitecore Renderings with RequireJS

You may have found yourself in one of more of the following situations in using JavaScript in your Sitecore renderings: A huge block of <script> tags in your <head> tag or at the end of your <body> tag that may or may not be used by your renderings but loaded regardless. Loading dependencies with a […]

Introduction to jQuery Ajax

Concept This blog is intended for novice to understand jQuery Ajax functionality and its integration with servlet by creating a simple project.  What is JQuery Ajax? Ajax (Asynchronous Java Script and XML) enables exchanging data between client and server and updating parts of web page without reloading the entire page. jQuery provides easy to use […]

IBM Digital Experience Conf: Developing Portlets Using JQuery

jQuery is one of the most pervasive scripting libraries in use today. The session “Developing Portlets Using Javascript and JQuery for Engaging Digital Experiences” by Stephan Hesmer, Web 2.0 Architect, IBM and  Jaspreet Singh, Rational Tools Architect, IBM provided good insight as to how to leverage jQuery in IBM WebSphere Portal. First, a couple of […]

Gracefully handle MVC login session expiration in javascript

If your web application is built using ASP.NET MVC stack and it requires user authentication and authorization to access a certain parts of the application (or application as a whole), then the chances are that you using [Authorize] controller attribute. This attribute could be applied to controller as a whole or to any of the […]

ASP.NET MVC anti-forgery token demystified – part 3: AJAX

This blog post is third and final in series about MVC anti-forgery (CSRF) token. Part 1. Part 2.As we talked about it earlier, MVC have a great built-in functionality for securing form posts with anti-forgery tokens and it’s even possible make it work across multiple web applications. However, these days modern web applications tend to […]

Using Pagination with Asynchronous Keyword Queries

Recently, I finished development on a SharePoint 2013 provider-hosted app that uses Keyword Query Language and the SharePoint Search API to run asynchronous queries against a site collection to grab all of the site collections under that domain name. What I found almost most troubling was figuring out a way not just to display these […]

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