When many people think of the word “strategy,” they start to conjure up images of a long-term plan built around some theoretical idea that may never happen. Unfortunately, many well-intended, traditional strategies have been outdated attempts at predicting the future that were beset by the realities of market changes, bad data, and, more often than […]
Posts Tagged ‘digital strategy’
Commerce During the Coronavirus – What Businesses Can Do Now, Next, and for the Future – Part 1
Times are tough for a lot of retailers right now and we are all being forced, whether we like it or not, to live in the moment as the situation related to the coronavirus shifts hour by hour. Ideally, business strategies put in place are holding out even if details need to be adjusted day […]
Getting to What Matters Most with Now/New/Next
The last best experience. It may seem unfair or counterintuitive to compare your organization’s customer experience to others outside your industry, but your customers are doing it every time they interact with you. They are holding you accountable to your promises but they are also passing judgment against the expectations set from experiences they have […]
What Is Digital? – Part 2
In the first installment of this series, we explored the definitions of “digital” preferred by Perficient clients and other digital professionals. This episode continues our exploration into the nature of digital. We’ll look at the business benefits expected of digital, innovations associated with it, and attitudinal trends shaping investments in digital. Digital by Association In […]
What Is Digital? – Part 1
When you hear “digital,” what comes to mind? A smartphone? Your Twitter feed? Maybe this morning’s Peloton session you absolutely crushed? Or perhaps it’s live-editing a Google document with teammates in multiple time zones. Or using AI to coax meaning out of data that not long ago you thought to be worthless. Digital can be […]
What If We Didn’t Call It Transformation?
Right before a new project kickoff, our client pulled me aside and said, “Don’t call it a transformation, that will just freak everyone out and we won’t get anything done.” Of course, the work IS a transformation initiative, but I understand her desire to reframe the effort to focus on the foundation for success rather […]
Driving Results with Business Goals, KPIs, and Analytics
In today’s overwhelmingly digital world, it is increasingly difficult for brands to hone in on website goals and objectives that truly drive their business forward. There can be additional challenges when the business’ website data is not accurately tracked or, in some cases, there is an overwhelming amount of data to filter through. Establishing analytics […]
5 Ways to Drive Customer Centricity: Advice for the CIO
Who do you consult when Outlook isn’t working? What about when issues arise with your messaging platforms? Or, worse yet – when your customer experience platforms aren’t working properly? You likely answered “IT” when thinking about these situations. For years, businesses have charged IT with providing stability, consistency, and reliability. However, keeping the lights on […]
Essentials for Your Digital Strategy: Embracing the Mobile Evolution
Delivering seamless, consistent, and engaging experiences starts with a customer-centered digital strategy. This ongoing series explores the characteristics that make up a great digital strategy and how to deliver powerful brand moments that solidify customer loyalty and drive differentiation for your organization. Mobile technology – and the role it plays in our lives – continues […]
Automotive Brands are Digitally Cannibalizing Themselves
Digital marketers, working on behalf of the same brand across all three tiers in the automotive industry, are competing with each other. They are driving up costs for each other and providing inconsistent messaging and pricing to consumers. To give you a specific example, let’s use Paid Search marketing, as this is the marketing channel […]
Essentials for Your Digital Strategy: Be Grounded in Your Mission
Delivering seamless, consistent, and engaging experiences starts with a customer-centered digital strategy. This ongoing series explores the characteristics that make up a great digital strategy and how to deliver powerful brand moments that solidify customer loyalty and drive differentiation for your organization. Every single customer interaction with your brand has an impact on sales, retention, […]
Marketing to Millennials in Automotive
According to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services and the Pew Research Center, millennials are defined as those born between the years of 1981 and 1997. That would make those between the ages of 21 and 38 millennials (up to this point in 2019), for those of you looking around the office wondering […]