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Posts Tagged ‘development’ Resizeimage

Working Hard and Playing Hard – Perficient Team Wins Game Jam

At Perficient, we spend a lot of time bringing creative and innovative ideas to the table and then working hard to turn them into successful realities. It’s kind of our thing. In fact, it’s our thing even when we’re not at work! Four of our creative and technical powerhouses proved this earlier this year at […]

Be Super

Angular – Services and Dependency Injection

This blog post is a brief introduction to one of the core concepts of Angular – Services and Dependency Injection. A service is basically a typescript class. It acts as a central repository where we can store and centralize our code and data. This service class can then be shared across components. Dependency injection is […]

Scott Rodgerson Lrtzeexp0h8 Unsplash@1x

Change Sitecore Item ID

The Sitecore Item ID is one of those properties that I have always been told that you can’t change. They were basically right because if you look at Sitecore.Data.Items.Item in the Sitecore.Kernel dll using dotPeek you will see that for the ID there is a get but no set property. It looks like this below […] Resizeimage 2019 06 07t095451.965

Magento Page Builder: Development Tools for the Non-Developer

Magento Page Builder is one of the new functionalities included in the most recent release of Magento 2.3.1. Designed to increase the capabilities of eCommerce platform administrators and streamline page creation, this new program allows users to design and develop pages without extensive knowledge of HTML and CSS. The module itself was designed to be […]

Portrait Of Young Students With Vr Goggles In A Library.

Perficient Digital Labs Combines Virtual Reality with… Reality

Always at the forefront of agile and innovative technology and design, our Perficient Digital Labs team recently set its sights on the following question: What if you could share a VR experience with someone without actually being in VR yourself? The team wanted to expand the typically solitary VR experience to include players and components […] Resizeimage (2)

“Any Way You Can” – 3 Lessons for Software Developers

I had a math teacher in high school who for me was “the teacher,” the one that I remember most fondly. I was a student of his for two years, learning geometry, trigonometry, and calculus from him. I was always drawn to math, but he had a way of teaching that made it more fun […]


5 Strategies for Improving Page Speed: Serial & Async Loading

There is a tendency in web development to tightly couple the pages with their data source. An example of this would be building a page that uses its backend process to retrieve and render data in a table. This is fine for small pages or quick-and-dirty prototypes, but as pages grow in complexity, this approach […] Resizeimage

Engineering Process Standards, Or, Death by 1000 Cuts

Programming is not an easy thing to do, and developers require a significant amount of focus, concentration, and flow to do what they do best. Interruptions will break this flow and slow down an otherwise productive programmer. While environmental distractions can be a source of interruption, it’s also important that engineers don’t interrupt themselves either! […] Resizeimage 25

Rethinking the Role of the Quality Assurance (QA) Team

I had the opportunity in my career to create a quality assurance (QA) team from scratch for a small software development company. Prior to this, developers and project managers would do all the testing. After petitioning for quite some time that this was not the best approach to ensuring quality, I was finally given the […]

eCommerce QA Testing: 5 Small Strategies for Big Quality Impact

Testing an eCommerce website before it launches is an important part of ensuring its success. Standard quality assurance (QA) processes include requirements gathering, developing test plans, executing test plans, etc., but incorporating these five strategies into your testing approach can produce big positive quality impacts without a lot of extra time or effort. 1. Require […]

Using Caching Technology to Boost eCommerce Business

Caching is technology that enhances the performance of websites—making them load faster when compared to a traditional server without caching. When used correctly and as per application need, caching can reduce the load on the server, which results in lower server resource consumption. Some Background on the Need for Caching RAM is an important aspect […]

Perficient Digital Brings Home Three DotCOMM Awards

Perficient Digital’s website design and development work continues to earn industry recognition, most recently in the form of three DotCOMM Award wins. The websites we created for Gallagher Way, Marquee Sports & Entertainment, and CURT Manufacturing earned two Platinum awards and a Gold award, respectively. Our Perficient Digital Labs team designed and developed the award-winning […]

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