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Posts Tagged ‘best practices’ Resizeimage

Google Made Some Major Updates in 2018. Here’s Why.

With their ever-changing algorithms and search initiatives, staying ahead of Google’s SEO updates can seem like a nearly impossible feat. Check out our recent video from Eric Enge and Mark Traphagen, who recently joined Perficient Digital through our acquisition of digital consultancy Stone Temple, where they explore Google’s 2018 search algorithm updates and what they […]

Become an Award-Winning Salesforce Solution Architect

Decades of Movie Making Tradition I stumbled into a career as a Solution Architect while working for Walt Disney Pictures & Television as an Assistant to the Executive Vice President of production. Part of my daily routine was to man five fax machines early in the morning receiving call sheets and production reports from movies […]

3 Steps to Overcoming Communication Barriers

We often hear the phrase “Seek first to understand and then to be understood” or are told to actively listen. While these are important, often time it’s simply not tactical enough. Too often what we hear is skewed by the filters that we (and our audiences) apply. So how do we ensure what we say […]

Multi-generational Communication Planning

When we think of multi-generational plans in the technology world, we’re usually thinking about our approach to rollout with more than one phase – an implementation so large that it can’t, or shouldn’t, be rolled out in one fell swoop. We rightfully scope the work into bite-sized chunks that will lead us to long term […]

7 Ways My 3 Year Old Improves My Relationships at Work

My wife and I met in college, married after 4 years, waited 13 years before having children, and we now have 2 daughters.   We have a 3-year-old (Maggie) and 18-month-old (Addie).  I knew that I would continue to grow as a parent, but had no idea the impact kids would have on my professional development […]

3 Fatal Fallacies – How to Maximize the Value of OCM

There’s an overwhelming amount of data showing that implementing an organizational change management (OCM) effort, based on proven best practices, provides significant value. If that’s the case, why are so many organizations failing to realize the expected benefits? Is there some lesson that can be taken from these failed OCM implementations that will help other […]

Q2 is Here! Use a Simple Approach to Achieve Your Strategic Goals

We are heading toward the end of Q1. Organizations have finalized budgets and have set their strategic direction. Do you feel like you have the right operating model in place for your team to meet company objectives? Do you have your priorities sorted out? What does success look like? Stepping back and taking a simple […]

What’s Your (Sustainment) Plan?

One of the most important, yet often overlooked, components in any Change Management endeavor is what we at Perficient call the “Sustainment Phase.” It’s the fourth phase (of four) of our Change Management methodology, and it’s all about ensuring that whatever change we’re implementing is just that – sustained – over the long haul. Few […]

Change Management – Making it Real

When done right, Change Management can make all the difference in a project’s success. Prosci repeatedly surveys the industry, and the results are consistent – projects with effective Change Management are six times more likely to be successful than those that don’t. That success in meeting business objectives, scope and timeline drives ROI, which is […]

Hyperion EPM–How to Choose the Right Applications? Part 3

From my latest post (Post 2), we talked about starting the process to identify your needs, the importance of a partner and the value of planning ahead.  We will continue down that path in this post.  I’m trying not to spend too much time on gathering project requirements in these posts; however, they are a […]

Lower Employee Attrition with Salesforce Employee Communities

As more and more companies start to realize the value of making their employees happy, there comes the need for community within the workforce. Having an employee community where employees can go to stay engaged, voice ideas, and get questions answered go a long way in lowering employee attrition. Enter Salesforce Employee Communities That’s where […]

Hyperion EPM–How to Choose the Right Applications? Part 2

From my earlier post (Post 1), we talked about what EPM is and how it can help organizations.  This post will focus on starting the process to determine what the organizational needs are.  This is the first step in determining which applications to select and implement.  If at all possible, do not buy your new […]

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