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3 Themes Identified By McKinsey For Digital Leaders In Pharma

Last week, I wrote a post about an article published by McKinsey & Company in which they interviewed 20 pharma executives about how they’re handling digital transformation. The article was jam-packed with great information, so I wanted to highlight a few more points for you. 

In culling through the interviews, the authors identified these three critical themes:

  1. Dramatic changes in the traditional roles and dynamics of healthcare stakeholders have fundamental implications for pharma companies.
  2. It is time to reimagine them as solutions companies, not asset companies.
  3. The technology is ready, but pharma companies must change if they are going to enable and harness it more successfully.

They go on to say:

“These themes strongly suggest that success in the new digital environment will require three big shifts: forging ahead beyond the pack mentality and embracing experimentation and risk taking, developing a collaborative culture and challenging barriers to sharing, and reinventing companies by building capabilities beyond traditional healthcare and updating the operating model.”

For 30 real-life examples of how your peers are doing exactly that, download Perficient’s guide Life Sciences is Going Digital.

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Marin Richeson

Marin joined the life sciences industry in 2001. Over the course of her tenure, she has held roles in clinical finance, IT, quality assurance, and validation. The diversity of her experience provides her with a unique perspective on the interconnectedness of this complex, multi-faceted industry. Marin Richeson is a lead business consultant in Perficient's life sciences practice.

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