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JPMorgan Launches Finn To Lure Younger Customers

In an attempt to lure younger customers, JPMorgan released a new mobile app called Finn by Chase. The app will allow users to open an account, deposit checks, track spending, and perform other activities that many companies already offer. JPMorgan is testing out an iOS version of the app in St. Louis, a city where […]

Android UI tests using Espresso

Why During Android mobile testing, we will think about various tools to implement UI automation. Here we talk about Espresso, but why Espresso? The basic thinking here, we know IDE-Android studio is most popular which mobile developer is using. And Espresso is a UI test framework within Android studio. And google released the Espresso framework […]

IOS UI automation testing with XCode Server&CI

About During IOS project developing, old features are always broken after new code merged in. As tester, we will run tests to verify the old features work well or not. XCTest is one kind of testing framework supplied for our use, starting with XCode 5. XCTest framework could create and run unit tests, performance tests, and UI tests […]

Revenue Cycle Management Requires “Trust But Verify” Mentality

Healthcare Providers depend on their electronic health records (EHR) and revenue cycle management (RCM) solution systems to capture and present metrics so that clinical and operational performance can be reviewed. In particular, RCM solutions/modules position themselves as a key component for spotlighting effective/ineffective processing areas within the “Front-End”, “Middle”, and “Back-End”. Having insights into operating […]

How to Use JIRA Service Desk to Monitor and Measure SLA

Service Level management (SLM) is a vital process for every IT service provider organization in that it is responsible for agreeing and documenting service level targets and responsibilities within SLAs. Defining acceptable response and resolution times is a key task in the production of IT service level agreements(SLAs). SLA response times and SLA resolution times […]

6 Applications And 1 Real-Life Example Of IoT In Life Sciences

I recall hearing Michael Farrell, the CEO of ResMed, speak about how important the Internet of Things (IoT) is to his company. There’s probably not a better case study of IoT in life sciences than ResMed. The medical device company specializes in sleep apnea products and solutions. They also happen to be the makers of […]

How To Configure Constrained Picklists In Siebel

A common requirement in Siebel is to configure constrained picklists. First, let’s define what a constrained pick list means. A constrained picklist is a list of values (LOV), in which the values are dependent on another field. Say we have an applet that has two fields: medical type and medical product. These are the values […]

private equity technology podcast

Base Theory: Private Equity Can Better Leverage Tech To Improve Outcomes

If you prefer listening to reading, “Base Theory” is available on iTunes or Google Play or below on the SoundCloud player. Base Theory At a time when private equity is paying record high prices to acquire companies, the prospect of hitting your return targets is becoming more difficult. The traditional playbook for how you go about […]

How Low Code Solutions Build Employee Engagement

According to Forrester, the software market will continue to grow through 2017 and beyond to a tune of $634 billion dollars. With a clearly defined market and hot demand, organizations will continue to place software development at the top of their priorities. Just having priorities however, is not enough. According to MWD Advisors, a survey […]

Forrester: Banks Must Continue With Digital Transformation

In a recent report, Forrester described why customer experience in the banking industry is incredibly important, possibly even more so than in other industries. “For years, we have watched power shift from companies to customers. In the age of the customer, customers can and do transfer their loyalty when they don’t receive the engaging customer […]

The Information Impact on Providers, Plans, and Consumers

Over the better part of the last decade, most healthcare organizations have significantly invested into technologies like EHRs with Care Management and Population Health support. These investments have equipped their healthcare practitioners with accurate information about their patients necessary to provide timely and appropriate quality clinical care to their patients. Certainly, CMS helped influenced some […]

Digital Transformation Involves More Than Technology

So I and others at Perficient have highlighted many times that Digital Transformation involves more than technology. As a matter of fact, I did a search of Perficient’s web site and got a lot of references to organizational change management (OCM).  So this recent article from is music to my ears. They reference Altimeter’s […]

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