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Lisa Sherwood

Lisa Sherwood is the Director of Audience Insights at Perficient. She uses her 20 years of experience to build approaches to content that generate results for some of the world’s largest companies in the healthcare, ecommerce, retail, and nonprofit sectors.

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Automotive Study Insights: How Tesla Leverages Customer Experience to Gain Market Share

Here’s what legacy car manufacturers and dealers should take away from our recent study about what works for car buyers in Tesla’s approach.   As a disruptive leader in the automotive industry, Tesla owns approximately 60-70% of the current EV market share. That dominance is expected to decrease as legacy auto makers offer more model […]

POC Businesswoman Showing Good Statistics Convincing Multiracial Partners At Negotiations

Enhancing Experiences Through a DEI Lens 

DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) has not only become one of the hottest business buzzwords in recent years, it’s also become a contributor to sales and employee retention. More of our clients are investing in DEI programs, whether to cultivate happier and healthier employees, bring more varied perspectives and experiences, or demonstrate their commitment to […]


Empathy and Intent: Leveraging Customer Insights for High-Performing Content

The paths your audiences use to engage with content, make decisions, and buy are becoming increasingly complex. It’s never been more important to let people shop when, how, and where they want. But how do you know what customers want? And how can you create content that engages and drives them to purchase? We recommend […]


Integrating Digital Marketing Disciplines to Generate ROI: Achieving the “Full Voltron”

In the 80s, a cartoon called Voltron captured my imagination. It featured a team of five space explorers who each pilot their own robotic lion to fight the evil Zarkon and his cronies. They combine the lions to form the “Full Voltron” – a 328-foot super robot. In this case, the whole is much better […]


Journey Mapping: Even More Important in 2022

If 2020 and 2021 taught us anything, it’s that we need to be ready for whatever happens. How can you anticipate the unexpected? Being ever flexible and innovative is a good place to start, but you also need to prioritize retaining and growing relationships with existing customers. The best way to reduce friction and transform […]


Journey Science: Critical Tools for Understanding Your Customers

Journey Science is all about leveraging data to understand your customers and tailor their experience.  Experience Maps, Journey Maps, and Service Blueprints are all critical tools for Journey Science. But how do you determine which to use for your purpose? Here’s a quick rundown: Experience Maps are umbrellas that illustrate a broad human experience. They […]


Qualitative Research Methods and When to Use Them

When you’re thinking about starting a journey mapping exercise, creating personas, or just learning about your customers, gathering qualitative data is a great starting place. There are two primary data gathering approaches: Quantitative data allows for calculation and measurement. Common types of quantitative data gathering include surveys, experiments, and measurable observations. Qualitative data is used […]


Don’t Sell – Understand Your Customers’ Needs to Buy! 8 Steps to Integrating Audience Insights

The available data we marketers have at our fingertips at every moment is monumental. Even three years ago, understanding your customers was much harder than today. But the mountains of PowerPoint decks and vlookup-filled spreadsheets don’t necessarily tell you what your customers need and want from your products and services. That’s where we can leverage […]

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9 Steps to Creating a Content Hub That Converts

People have been talking about content marketing for years. Creating web pages that generate leads and help move clients through the buyer’s journey can produce bottom-line results and be more cost-effective than advertising or other paid methods. The effects of good content marketing can be long-lasting, offering ongoing engagement while other tactics capitalize on shorter-term […]