SCOPE is only a few weeks away! The conference will take place on February 11-14, 2024, in Orlando, Florida. Still not registered? Click here! The SCOPE (Summit for Clinical Ops Executives) conference is a premier event in the field of clinical operations, providing a comprehensive platform for professionals to explore the latest trends and innovations […]
Alyssa Beaudoin
Alyssa serves as a Marketing Coordinator at Perficient, managing many different partner relations. She graduated from Missouri Baptist University with a degree in Marketing in 2021 and is a proud St. Louis native.

Blogs from this Author
Perficient Quoted in Two Forrester Reports Exploring How Health Plans Can Better Engage Members
We often hear from our payer clients that, due to the highly matrixed nature of health insurance organizations, no one group feels that it truly owns the entire experience of its members. As many healthcare leaders know, this fragmentation can negatively impact the care journey, health outcomes, cost management, member attrition, and more. In its […]
People of Perficient: Meet Janelle McDonald, Project Manager
I recently sat down with one of our lead project managers, Janelle McDonald. I enjoyed hearing more about her position at Perficient and the role Perficient plays in creating a more equitable healthcare industry, and I’m sure you will too. Describe your role. How do you make a difference for our clients, colleagues, communities, and […]
Perficient Awarded for Best Digital Leadership in Health Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
Perficient is pleased to announce that our work in health equity, diversity and inclusion has gained recognition in the 2023 eHealthcare Leadership Awards. Our work in the healthcare industry emphasizes the importance of a well-planned and executed strategy for addressing health equity, diversity, and inclusion. These efforts create a healthier and more welcoming environment for […]
Connect with us at Microsoft Ignite 2023
Microsoft Ignite is only a few weeks away! The conference will take place on November 14-17, 2023, in Seattle, Washington. Still not registered? Click here! Microsoft Ignite is the place to learn about the latest AI innovation during live keynotes, advance your learning in breakout sessions, get access to experts to solve your technical […]
Perficient Earns Low Code Application Development Specialization
Low-code application development continues to be critical for digital transformation. Perficient is committed to meeting the demands of our customers’ needs with highly skilled and specialized partnerships. We are proud to announce that Perficient has achieved a Microsoft Specialization in Low Code Application Development. This formally recognizes Perficient as a leading partner in Microsoft business […]
Red Hat Ansible Accelerator
Automate with Ansible Most server management infrastructure tasks have been automated for some time, but network changes can still create a bottleneck. Red Hat Ansible enables you to automate many IT tasks including cloud provisioning, configuration management, application deployment, and intra-service orchestration. With Ansible you can configure systems, deploy software, and coordinate more advanced IT […]
Microsoft Names Amarender Peddamalku MVP
Perficient is thrilled to announce that Amarender Peddamalku has been named a “Most Valuable Professional” (MVP) by Microsoft. Microsoft defines the MVP Award as “a global program of recognized technology experts and community leaders who actively support technical communities through unique, innovative, and consistent knowledge sharing.” Microsoft MVPs exhibit core competencies in community leadership and […]
Connect with us at Red Hat Summit 2023!
Red Hat Summit is only a few weeks away! The conference will take place on May 23-25, 2023, in Boston, Massachusetts, at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center. Still not registered? Click here! Red Hat Summit is the premier open-source technology event, that brings together customers, partners, industry thought leaders, and community contributors to learn, […]
Connect with us at Appian World 2023!
Appian World is only a few weeks away! The conference will take place at the Hilton San Diego from May 1-3 . Still not registered? Click here! Appian World connects business and IT leaders looking to stay ahead of the pace of change. Learn firsthand how to accelerate your business by discovering, designing, and automating your […]
Leveraging Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform for Operational Efficiency
Ansible Automation Platform is an open-source IT automation tool that automates provisioning, configuration management, application deployment, orchestration, and many other manual IT processes. Unlike more simplistic management tools, Ansible users (like system administrators, developers, and architects) can use Ansible automation to install software, automate daily tasks, provision infrastructure, improve security and compliance, patch systems, and […]
People of Perficient: Meet Lindsey Broadwell Ph.D., Solutions Architect
I recently sat down with one of our lead solutions archiects, Lindsey Broadwell Ph.D.. Lindsey has expertise in topics relating to the social determinants of health and a passion for influencing meaningful change. I enjoyed hearing more about her position at Perficient and the role Perficient plays in creating a more equitable healthcare industry, and […]