Too many websites fail to engage their target market users, resulting in abandoned carts and low click-through rates, not to mention wasted user experience (UX), user interface design(UI), and creative time and effort.
Posts Tagged ‘UX’
Welcome to Brainjuice Box!
There are over two million blog posts published daily. You read that right – two million. Every. Single. Day. So of course, that makes everyone (us included) ask, “who in the world needs another blog?” What could we possibly have to say that hasn’t already been said? What do we have to add to an already crowded conversation landscape?
Sitecore Developers: Get To Know Your Content Authors
It’s no secret that I love working with and designing great content authoring experiences in Sitecore. While I’ve talked extensively about the technical considerations of designing for the Sitecore Experience Editor, considerations for a quality content authoring experience actually begins by understanding who your content authors will be. When developing components for use in the […]
How We Deliver Salesforce Communities Without Giving Up Vacation
Delivering on a project like this is one that makes the whole team feel good. But how do you do this while still maintaining your sanity, let alone a life outside of work? Obstacle: Faced with a Super-Tight Deadline but it’s a Great Opportunity OpenTable heard about our community expertise and came to us in […]
UX Testing: Low- or High-Fidelity Mockups?
When it comes to music, most of us have an idea about low and high fidelity. Low fidelity is the radio in your grandfather’s station wagon. You get the idea of the sound, and in the ‘70s, that’s about all you had to work with. High fidelity is the car next to you at the […]
Speak with the UX/UI Designer of OpenTable’s Community at #CNX18
Join Perficient and other Trailblazers for three days of learning from those who are driving innovation in digital marketing, commerce, and service across all industries. Make sure to check out the session highlighting the Perficient-built customer community and speak to the designer who built it (and completed it in record time). You’ve heard how popular […]
UX Testing: Employees or No Employees?
Recruiting real end users can be costly and time consuming for usability testing. For anyone but a user experience (UX) purist, the temptation to use employees for usability testing can be quite a temptation. Employees are accessible and already paid for, so why not use them? After all, they are users outside of work. So, […]
Visual Design & UX: Looking Great vs. Working Great
Before I’m labeled as a “visual design hater,” you should know that I was a visual designer for five years and a creative director for 10 years. I left the creative side of the house for two reasons. I felt a lot of people were better designers than I was and I became obsessed with […]
UX Prototyping: Failing Early vs. Succeeding Sooner
I’m not sure who came up with the “Fail Early” concept associated with rapid prototyping. It seems like a negative sale or a glass-half-empty approach. I can’t help but think it would be easier to sell stakeholders on a program that is geared to “succeed sooner,” rather than “fail early.” It might just be semantics, […]
Catching Bears with UX Strategy (Hint: Understand Their Goals)
Your strategy has a lot to do with your results. I grew up with the phrase, “It’s easier to catch a bear with honey than with vinegar.” While I never had the goal to literally catch a bear, the strategy of finding out what appeals to bears is likely to be a successful strategy for catching […]
Which Comes First? User Experience or Search Engine Marketing?
Two questions. Do you invite friends over to your place when it is a mess, or do you clean it up first? Are people encouraged to walk on a sidewalk before the cement is dry? Search engine marketing (SEM) before user experience (UX) might not be the best decision for your bottom line. SEM is […]
User Experience Research Should Be Anonymous
Unless your name is James Bond, you might not want your name applied to everything you do. Ethical guidelines for UX research The importance of ethics in user experience (UX) research cannot be understated. UX research ethics are in place to protect your participants, but they also serve another very important purpose. You want to […]