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Posts Tagged ‘react’


Using TypeScript with React: Best Practices

Nowadays, TypeScript has become the first choice for building scalable and maintainable React applications. By combining the approaches for static typing with dynamic capabilities of React, TypeScript enhances productivity, improves the readability of code and reduces the runtime errors. In this blog, we will explore best practices for using TypeScript in React projects, covering type […]

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Ramp Up On React/React Native In Less Than a Month

I’ve had plenty of opportunities to guide developers new to the React and React Native frameworks. While everyone is different, I wanted to provide a structured guide to help bring a fresh developer into the React fold. Prerequisites This introduction to React is intended for a developer that at least has some experience with JavaScript, […]

Artificial Intelligence Concept Cpu Quantum Computing

How Copilot Vastly Improved My React Development

I am always looking to write better, more performant and cleaner code. GitHub Copilot checks all the boxes and makes my life easier. I have been using it since the 2021 public beta, the hype is real! According to the GitHub Copilot website, it is: “The world’s most widely adopted AI developer tool.”   While that […]

Speed Lines Of Light And Stripes Over Technology Background

Optimizing Core Web Vitals for Modern React Applications

Introduction In today’s dynamic web development landscape, ensuring an exceptional user experience is more critical than ever. Core Web Vitals, introduced by Google, are key performance metrics that help evaluate the overall quality of a website’s interaction. React applications often involve complex UI and dynamic content. Optimizing Core Web Vitals ensures not just better user […]

Futuristic Digital Background. Abstract Connections Technology And Digital Network. 3d Illustration Of The Big Data And Communications Technology.

Leveraging WebSockets for Real-Time Data in React Applications

In the modern web, real-time data has become a cornerstone of interactive and dynamic applications. WebSockets offer an effective solution for enabling real-time communication between the client and server, facilitating instant updates without relying on repetitive requests. In this blog, we’ll explore how to leverage WebSockets in React applications to deliver engaging, real-time experiences. What […]

Success Is A Collaborative Effort

Unlocking the Potential of Recoil: Essential Recoil Hooks Every React Developer Should Know

If you are enjoying using React but find managing state tricky, you need to know about Recoil hooks. They’re made for React developers who want a simpler, more powerful way to handle the state. Let’s jump in and see how it works! First, we will look at what hooks are in React and their basic […]


React v19: A Game-Changer for React Developers !

React 19 has officially been released as a stable version on December 5, 2024. This update introduces amazing features that enhance the developer experience and application performance. In this blog, we’ll explore the most impactful features of React 19 with examples to understand how they change, the way we build React applications. Key Features of […]


Testing Redux: Strategies and Tools

Introduction Redux, a JavaScript application’s predictable state container, has emerged as a key component for React application state management. To make sure that your state management functions as intended, it is essential to test your Redux code. We’ll look at methods and resources for testing Redux apps in this extensive article.   Why Test Redux? […]

Programmer Working With Program Code

Redux vs. Context API: Choosing the Right State Management for Your React App

React, a powerful JavaScript library for building user interfaces, offers different solutions for managing state in applications. Two popular choices are Redux and the Context API. This blog will compare these two state management approaches, helping you decide which one is the right fit for your React app.   Introduction   Redux Redux is a […]

Woman working with code and data

State Management in React with Recoil

Have you ever created a React application and ended up struggling with tangled state updates, excessive prop drilling, or overly complex context setups? You’re definitely not alone! As your app scales, managing the state in React can become quite tricky. This is where Recoil comes to the rescue, a powerful new library designed to streamline […]

Programmer Working With Program Code

Why Immutability Matters in Redux: A Guide to Better State Management

Introduction Redux, a predictable state container for JavaScript applications, relies on the principle of immutability to manage state changes efficiently. In this blog post, we’ll explore what immutability is, why it’s crucial in the context of Redux, and how it simplifies state management. Understanding Immutability Immutability refers to the state of being unchangeable. In the […]

Digital Circuits

Introduction to State Handling Excellence in React- A Developer’s Perspective

Handling an application’s state, or state management, plays an essential role in creating dynamic and responsive user interfaces and effectively executing business logic. React offers numerous state management methods for storing and updating data, making it a popular web development technology. Think of it like different ice cream flavors: some people like chocolate (Redux), some […]

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