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Posts Tagged ‘project management’

Tea-Time: Tips for Leveraging Time After Standup

It’s typical to aim for 15-minute Standups, but how many times have your standups gotten side-tracked and suddenly more than a half-hour has gone by? These occurrences are not exactly my cup of tea… Of course, sometimes topics need to be discussed, and planning a follow-up meeting will only slow down or delay resolution. It’s […]

Anurag Sahu family in snow

Anurag Sahu Delivers Exceptional Value to Clients

Anurag Sahu is a dedicated senior project manager who has spent the last five years making a difference for his team and clients. With a passion for client service, Anurag embodies the spirit of collaboration that defines our culture at Perficient.   In this People of Perficient profile, we’ll learn more about his role, explore […]

Adult Man With Dark Hair Reading Book In Printed Media Archive

Tell your Project’s Story using Azure DevOps Queries and Dashboards

Sometimes purely looking at an Azure DevOps backlog or Board may not tell the right story in terms of progress made towards a specific goal. At first glance, it may seem like a horror story, but in reality, it is not the case. The data needs to be read or conveyed in the right way. […]

Heads Of Two People With Colourful Shapes Of Abstract Brain

The Colorful World of Azure DevOps Boards

Out of the box, Azure DevOps provides black-and-white capabilities in terms of how it can be utilized to support a project and its code repository. Over time, teams establish and settle into work processes, often continuing to use those basic settings, which can lead to a mundane operation and, perhaps, risk losing sight of the […]

Gayathri Venkatraman

Gayathri Venkatraman Balances Project Management, Continuous Learning, and Team Development

Meet Gayathri Venkatraman, a senior project manager based in Chennai, India. She has been with Perficient for eight years, and during that time, she has had the opportunity to grow professionally, take on leadership roles, and mentor others in their own career journeys.  In this People of Perficient profile, we’ll get a glimpse into Gayathri’s […]

Testing wireframes on laptop for conducting UAT on your website

Conducting UAT for Your Website

As project managers for website implementations, we oversee the user acceptance testing process (UAT) to ensure the development lifecycle is successful. Conducting UAT for your website is a critical phase in your project. For many project managers, this process can feel daunting because they must figure out all the areas that need testing and determine […]

people sitting at a table

Website Project Management Tips

Are you a project manager who has just been handed a new website implementation or redesign project for the first time? Maybe you have a project assigned to you, but you don’t usually manage projects. If so, here are five website project management tips to keep in mind as you run your project: Identify Key […]

Man Shrugging and Looking Perplexed – Project Estimates are Frustrating

The Emotional Conclusion : Project Estimating (Part 4)

The emotional finale is here! Don’t worry, this isn’t about curling up in a ball and crying – we’ve already done that. This final installment of my series on project estimating is all about navigating the emotions of everyone involved and trying to avoid frustration. If you’ve been following this blog series on project estimations, […]

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The Power of Quarterly Business Reviews: How QBRs Drive Growth and Build Client Relationships

Let’s be honest – if you’ve ever thought that Quarterly Business Reviews (or QBRs) were a huge headache, you’re not alone! A QBR is an alignment meeting that’s held every three months between a company like Perficient and its clients. When my director first introduced us to the idea, the team was skeptical. It seemed […]

Man Secretively Talking Behind Hand – Project Estimating Secrets

Assumptions & Uncertainty : Project Estimating (Part 3)

In this third installment of my blog series on project estimates, let’s dive headfirst into the murky waters of assumptions and uncertainty! Think of these as the gremlins of project planning – they are full of secrets and laugh along the way as they trip you up. If you’ve read my other blog posts, you’ll […]

Woman Trying to Manage Multiple Wires Wrapped Around Her – Project Dependencies

Dependencies & Creep : Project Estimating (Part 2)

Continuing our dive into project estimating, let’s talk about two more problem areas: dependencies and project creep. These two can turn your pristine project plan into a tangled mess. No matter the size or scope of your project – whether you have just a few dependencies or tight integration with multiple systems – you’ll be […]

Discussing latest update in React JS 18

Production Deployment and its Basics: Known to Many, Followed by Few

Did you ever feel tense while taking your exams? Or you must have watched the Olympics or other sports events like cricket, football, etc. When you focus on national players during significant events, you can observe stress and anxiety in performing at that level. Similar is the situation of an IT professional during a production […]

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