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Posts Tagged ‘portals’

IBM named #1 in social software for the 4th year in a row by IDC

I’m always pleased when I see a company living up to its own hype. For the past few years, IBM has really been pushing the “social business” agenda. They have a lot of bloggers writing about techniques and tools for making your business more social. One of my favorite books on social media and social […]

How do providers become a trusted source for online information?

I read an article this week about considerations for how physicians should handle “prescribing” smartphone apps to patients. Using an app to track calories is not exactly high risk, but using an app to track your blood pressure could be critical to your well-being. This also highlights the importance of proactively engaging patients to direct […]

Patient Centered Medical Homes and Patient Portals

By Lesli Adams, MPA Director, Oracle Healthcare Business Intelligence In early March, Carolyn Clancy, MD, Director of AHRQ, posted in her Director Corner’s a nice motivational story about Patient Centered Medical Homes (PCMH) supporting Self Care and empowering patients.  Whether you are the 50 year old Type 2 Diabetic, the caregiver to an elderly relative […]

The Quest for My Complete, Portable Health Record

As I have written before, I currently see several physicians who do NOT use an EMR in the office. They are awesome diagnosticians, people and mentors but they have not taken the leap to the electronic health world. Now, add in two hospital networks that do NOT have patient portals for accessing my records and […]

Treat the Asthma, but forget about the GYN exam?

By Lesli Adams, MPA Director, Oracle Healthcare Business Intelligence The Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) Statistical Brief was just released showing that as a total society (the whole, entire USA), Women are mostly likely to be seen for Asthma/COPD, then Upper Respiratory, then Pregnancy, and then Mental Disorders.  Private payors payed more than 50% of […]

Healthcare Clinical and Financial Viability vs. ACO Management

The main factors of evaluation in the sustainability, efficiency, and quality of healthcare delivery systems are clinical management of the patient population in parallel to financial balance and modeling. In more intricate detail, the healthcare industry can examine clinical management in segmentation of acute and chronic care, accuracy in diagnosis, and appropriate time administration of […]

Jim Bindon speaks about patient portals at HIMSS13

Jim Bindon is responsible for the strategic direction and growth of all of Avnet’s vertical industries, which includes Healthcare, Government, Finance, Retail, and Energy. His career in healthcare began over 30 years ago as a Director of Radiology followed by 17 years working for the Health Sciences Division of Eastman Kodak. Jim recently spoke to […]

Are You Secure? HIMSS13 Session Helps You Decide

One of the highlights for me this year at HIMSS is attending the educational sessions when I am not manning the Perficient Booth, #1555. I was fortunate to attend a session, “Managing Privacy and Security Challenges of Patient EHR Portals,” which focused on securing PHI (protected health information) in patient portals that really clarified some […]

Frequent Flyers and Savvy Patients?

I was standing in line at the airport a few days ago and it occurred to me after the gate agent referred the standby passengers to their smartphones to see their seat assignments how much technology has changed the airline boarding process.  I recalled the days of being frantically taken down the jet way while […]

How do health exchanges maximize our time in the doctor’s office?

Missed diagnoses are common at the doc’s office.  Many diseases have common symptoms … to add to that, physician communication with patients during an office visit is decreasing to an average visit of 7 minutes.  How can data fill this gap?  One very important aspect is accurate patient history.  How many times have you flown […]

BI, Portal and Interoperability: Perficient’s Hot Topics at HIMSS

My colleague, Taylor Rhyne, recently wrote a blog post about Perficient’s upcoming presence at the HIMSS 2013 Conference. With the show quickly approaching next week, Perficient has announced plans to exhibit and highlight solutions in Business Intelligence and Analytics, Portals and Connected Health, and Interoperability and Integration in this news release. Perficient experts will be […]

Pushing the Blue Button for Meaningful Use

It has been shown that active patient engagement results in fewer hospital readmissions, decreased medical errors, and less consequences resulting from poor communications. Engaging patients improves healthcare, saves money, and reduces errors. Meaningful Use has a program goal to deploy technology to raise patient engagement. The timing is ideal, since more patients are connected every […]

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