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Posts Tagged ‘Microservices’

Perficient Listed as a Microservices Strategy and Delivery Vendor

Microservices continue to gain popularity for its potential to deliver scalability, resilience, and agility that isn’t possible with service-oriented architecture. Nearly 70% of businesses are either using or currently investigating microservices adoption. However, many companies encounter implementation challenges that include a strain on IT to be more agile, adopt new technology, and embrace DevOps. These […]

Transforming TCF Bank With Microservices And APIs

We’ve done many of API and microservices projects over the years, but I thought it would be nice to share what we presented at the recent CA World conference, which took place at the end of 2017. We shared the stage with TCF Bank, a client of ours. According to the company’s website, TCF Bank […]

[Video] APIs and Microservices Enable TCF Bank’s Digital Transformation

Last month during CA World, we were honored to present alongside TCF Bank on how they’ve transformed their systems to support banking anywhere. Jon Genda, Assistant Vice President of Enterprise Integration at TCF, presented with Eric Roch, Perficient’s Principal of IT Modernization to outline their digital transformation strategy using APIs and microservices. During the session, […]

Connect with Us at CA World ’17

Perficient is proud to be sponsoring CA World ’17, November 13-17, 2017 at the Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino in Las Vegas. As the premier CA user conference, this year’s event will include thousands of IT professionals looking to understand evolving digital transformation initiatives. If you’re attending the conference this year, we’d love to connect with […]

4 Integration Fears to Avoid this Halloween

Halloween brings out the fear in everybody, from icky spiders to panic-inducing surprises. While a broken mirror is an easy fix, what’s truly scary for enterprises is lacking a cohesive integration strategy. Without the appropriate connections, data management, or simplicity, enterprises may find slower paths to market, costing revenue opportunities. Luckily for enterprises, all integration […]

Webinar: Automate Your API Testing with CA

Register Today!  Application construction and delivery best practices are key to having a successful go-to market strategy, especially when built with APIs, microservices, and other integration solutions. If you’re serious about changing the way you change your processes, CA and Perficient can show you how you can automate your APIs and create real ROI with […]

Join us at CA World ’17 this November

Perficient is proud to be exhibiting at CA World ’17, November 13-17, 2017 at the Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino in Las Vegas. Attended by many manager-level or higher individuals, this year’s conference theme is focused on removing the barriers between ideas and innovation through CA’s suite of DevOps, API management, service virtualization, IoT, and […]

Master Your API Strategy with These 5 Best Practices

Every technology trend goes through its hype cycle and APIs are no different. Groomed as the swarm of mini-engines that would power the digital economy, many see APIs as the elixir that adds value and extends solutions. However, despite over 15,000 APIs on the market today, enterprises must follow best practices to take advantage of […]

4 Essentials For Every Integration Strategy

As a recent homeowner, I’ve become more attuned to the complexities of the building I live in. After all, the buck now stops with me around repair challenges including piping, the water heater, and the look of the interior. One thing that stands out to me around home repairs is that everything is standardized and […]

Achieve Microservices Success with Our New Guide

Integration initiatives are top of mind for executives in 2017 and beyond, especially as speed and agility translate to competitive advantage. Frustrated by the operational complexity and implementation challenges of traditional integration approaches like service oriented architecture (SOA), an increasingly popular alternative is microservices, a component-based architecture that allows for greater flexibility. Like every IT […]

RECAP: Achieving Success with Microservices

Last Monday, our own Eric Roch spoke at API World where his presentation on microservices was live streamed online by CA Technologies. We captured his talk on Twitter, and you can see it below on Storify: [<a href=”//” target=”_blank”>View the story “Overcoming Obstacles to Success with Microservices” on Storify</a>] Learn More If you’re looking to […]

Join Us Monday for a Virtual Summit on Microservices and APIs with CA

APIs and microservices are at the center of numerous cloud-native application architectures. While digital native organizations have already innovated on this approach, established enterprises are just catching on and wondering where to start. Successful execution and implementation within these areas is fraught with challenges, including having the right foundation, skill sets, and buy-in from leadership. […]

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