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Posts Tagged ‘Integration’

JMeter Testing for a Datapower ESB Implementation – Part 1

Introduction When considering testing a Datapower implementation the first tool that is generally mentioned SoapUI. While this is a good tool for a particular aspect of testing, you may need to expand your testing capabilities to include a broader set of concerns. In this blog I’d like to consider an architectural scenario in which I […]

Sequence Diagram in WMB

Using the WMB toolkit we can produce a sequence diagram with the following steps. Open Modeling Perspective 2. Within this Perspective Click on File->New->Other   3. Select Sequence Diagram within Modeling profile 4. Click Next and Select the location where the File needs to be created and Click Finish. A work area with the palette […]

A SOA Journey Using the TOGAF ADM – Part 3

In this article I address some of the the final elements and models in this iteration of the Preliminary phase. At this point I would like to comment about the ADM as an iterative process. In regards to Architectural Definition which includes an ideation / inception iteration. At this point in the role of Business […]

Oracle Merging It’s Marketing Cloud Into Tighter Knit Suite

As anyone who has followed the Digital Marketing world knows, Oracle bought Eloqua, Responsys, and Compendium. They all form the Oracle Marketing cloud although they haven’t gone through a lot of integration.  Oracle announced some information on the alignment of product release cycles and other updates. PC World has an article about it. Oracle is […]

Oracle Merging It's Marketing Cloud Into Tighter Knit Suite

As anyone who has followed the Digital Marketing world knows, Oracle bought Eloqua, Responsys, and Compendium. They all form the Oracle Marketing cloud although they haven’t gone through a lot of integration.  Oracle announced some information on the alignment of product release cycles and other updates. PC World has an article about it. Oracle is […]

Where and How to Learn Splunk

“Never become so much of an expert that you stop gaining expertise.” – Denis Waitley In all professions, and especially information services (IT), success and marketability depends upon an individual’s propensity for continued learning. With Splunk, there exist a number of options for increasing your knowledge and expertise. The following are just a few. We’ll […]

A SOA Journey Using the TOGAF ADM

In a recent blog posting, we provided a guide for standing up and XI52 as an integral component to an enterprise like laboratory environment. This was the beginning several activities, which spawned an idea for a continuing series of articles around IBM SOA appliances, and the use of the The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) […]

Cognos TM1 Performance Review – on a budget!

Often I am asked to conduct a “performance review” of implemented Cognos TM1 applications “rather quickly” when realistically; a detailed architectural review must be extensive and takes some time. Generally, if there is a limited amount of time, you can use the following suggestions as perhaps some appropriate areas to focus on (until such time […]

A Splunk Decision Support System

The importance of making credible decisions can be the difference between profit or loss, or even survival or extinction. Decision Support Systems (or DSSs) serve the key decision makers of an organization– helping  them to effectively assess  predictors (which can be rapidly changing and not easily specified in advance) and make the best decisions, reducing […]

Simplify Development = Embrace Patterns

I’m a BIG believer in two things: a) work smarter, not harder; 2) keep things simple — avoid complexity. Complex leads to complicated, complicated leads to misunderstanding, misunderstanding leads to chaos. Nonetheless, my guidelines seem easy enough, right? Well, good news then, they are simple and easy to apply in just about anything we face day […]

eXtreme Scale

Just for curiosity’s sake and this blog, I looked up the definition of ‘cache’ [as used in computer science]. Most sources define it as “…a component that transparently stores data so that future requests for that data can be served faster “.  The part about served faster reminded me of an old adage. It goes like this. […]

Optimizing Experiences Using IBM TeaLeaf

IBM Tealeaf is a tool that can help you optimize customer experiences with your website.  Here are a couple of examples of where Tealeaf can be used: A customer has an issue with the website and calls your service center for help.  Rather than have the customer relive the poor experience, Tealeaf allows the CSR […]

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