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Posts Tagged ‘innovation’

Webinar: Drive Digital Transformation with Innovation

Embracing innovation is a critical part of an organization’s digital transformation. First, what do we mean by innovation? Innovation, is often muddled with invention, disruption, and high tech. Innovation has many definitions and interpretations but in simplest terms, it’s something new that satisfies an unmet customer need. This connection to customer needs is why the […]


Open Banking And PSD2 [Trend To Watch]

In an effort to create more competition in the financial services industry, give consumers more control over their data, and enhance consumer protection, new regulations, such as the revised Directive on Payment Services (PSD2), have been adopted in Europe. Some companies, such as BBVA, were early adopters of technology (e.g., APIs) that opened access to […]

Introducing AWS DevOps-In-A-Box

The speed at which technology moves these days is overwhelming for any technology leader faced with the challenge of making technology adoption solutions and migrating workloads. The sheer amount of solutions on the market can lead to long evaluation periods, resulting in delayed projects, lost go-to-market opportunities, and frustrated customers. It’s understandable, with the DevOps […]

[Must-Watch Video] How Trump Wants To Help Pharma

Whether or not we agree with President Trump’s executive orders and policies, on a daily basis, we are getting incredible insight into how he wants to change a number of industries. On Monday, President Trump spoke on reducing regulation and “doing a number” on specific financial rules. Yesterday, he met with executives from the life […]

How Retailers are Leading with Customer Experience in 2017

The last, best experience that anyone has anywhere becomes the minimum expectation for the experiences they want everywhere. Customer Experience led the charge at many of the sessions and discussions throughout the National Retail Federation’s Big Show at the Javits Center in New York City this year. There wasn’t a single session, demo, gadget or sidebar […]

Get Ready for Retail’s Big Show!

It’s another January in New York City, and retailers everywhere are converging on the Javits Center for the National Retail Federation’s 2017 Big Show. 2016 was an up and down year for retailers: Off-price retailers were thriving while department stores continued to struggle. e-Commerce was working for almost everyone, but Amazon continues to be a step ahead of […]

100+ Examples Of Digital Transformation In Financial Services

Similar to the way digital transformation means different things to different people, there are myriad types of projects and initiatives that fall under the concept of digital transformation, including: Implementing methods that enable changes to be made quickly on digital platforms, such as websites, mobile, social, and portals Developing websites and portals that are mobile-friendly […]

How Digital Transformation Begins In Financial Services

Most digital transformation initiatives begin with customer journey mapping, a process that helps one fully understand the dynamics of the target customer and their behavior. Journey mapping connects the dots from a customer’s initial interaction with a brand, through their entire experience with that brand via multiple channels (e.g., website, mobile app, phone call, direct […]

Why Digital Transformation Matters In Financial Services

In today’s digital age, consumers have evolved to become far more independent and self-sufficient. They expect access to information, services, and products to be quick, easy, useful, engaging, and even entertaining. Businesses that are not yet meeting these new expectations are falling behind the curve. But this particular curve is not just the trend of […]

Digital Transformation In Financial Services Defined

While it means different things to different people, digital transformation is a movement. According to the research firm Altimeter, the definition of digital transformation boils down to this: “The realignment of, or new investment in, technology and business models to more effectively engage digital customers at every touchpoint in the customer experience lifecycle.” Digital transformation […]

Introduction To Digital Transformation In Financial Services

We have become a digital society. We use mobile devices to guide us through rush hour traffic, to find a great new spot for lunch, to research recipes for dinner, to do our shopping, to track our exercise, to entertain, to connect with friends and family, and to wake us up the next morning to […]

10 Headlines That Suggest Donald Trump Is Good For Pharma

This year’s presidential election invoked serious fear in the pharmaceutical industry, with the cost of drugs taking center stage for a good portion of some candidates’ campaigns. While what candidates say they’ll do could very well be different than what they’ll try to do, their words and records are enough to push pundits, investors, and […]

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