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Posts Tagged ‘commerce’

Roles of the B2B Buying Journey: The eCommerce Admin

Understanding the customer journey – and your internal team’s journey – is critical in B2B industries like manufacturing and distribution. Responsible for the daily operations of the digital business, the eCommerce admin spends most of his day in the back end of the commerce system. He is managing website content and information, managing configuration and […]

customer relationship management

Roles of the B2B Buying Journey: The Marketing Manager

Understanding the customer journey – and your internal team’s journey – is critical in B2B industries like manufacturing and distribution. The marketing manager plays an important role in the B2B eCommerce journey at both manufacturing and distribution companies. She is most interested in how marketing efforts directly impact both online and traditional sales efforts. She […]

Site Construction In The City With Workers Working In Sunrise

B2B Digital Transformation: Determine Where You Fit

When organizations begin a digital transformation and eCommerce journey, they often focus solely on technology. In reality, there are business decisions to be made and opportunities to explore before technology even comes into play. After you’ve set your objectives and evaluated your market, you’re ready to find where you fit in the market. Explore opportunities […]

Are you Prepared for WMS?

Roles of the B2B Buying Journey: Understanding the Merchandiser

Understanding the customer journey – and your internal team’s journey – is critical in B2B industries like manufacturing and distribution. The B2B merchandiser role can be filled from many different functional roles within an organization, including marketing, product marketing, or even product management. The more complex the products, the most likely this role will be […]

Today's Meeting Has Finance In Focus

Roles of the B2B Buying Journey: The Financial Team Member

Understanding the customer journey – and your internal team’s journey – is critical in B2B industries like manufacturing and distribution. The financial team member is a crucial part of every B2B business. He steps in after the purchase has been made and shipped, and is interested in whether that order was received, the order was […]

Collaborating To Build The City Of Their Dreams

B2B Digital Transformation: Evaluate Your Market

When organizations begin a digital transformation and eCommerce journey, they often focus solely on technology. In reality, there are business decisions to be made and opportunities to explore before technology even comes into play. After setting your objectives, you must evaluate your market. Keeping up with the competition can be difficult in an over-saturated marketplace […]

Auto Attendants & Call Queues

Roles of the B2B Buying Journey: Understanding the CSR

Understanding the customer journey – and your internal team’s journey – is critical in B2B industries like manufacturing and distribution. A Customer Service Rep (CSR) is a typical role at both manufacturing and distribution companies and is the center of a B2B buyer’s journey. They support the outside sales team and communicate with customers through […]


Video: Custom Commerce Capabilities with a Product Configurator

Businesses with highly-customizable products typically have an ordering process that takes place offline, leading to a long sales cycle. In addition, many consumers want to visualize their custom product before placing an order. That’s why we worked with our client Loom Décor, an eCommerce business in the interior design industry that delivers custom home furnishings […]

Creativity, Brainstorming, Planning, Teamwork, Execution Then Success

Roles of the B2B Buying Journey: The Distribution Sales Rep

Understanding the customer journey – and your internal team’s journey – is critical in B2B industries like manufacturing and distribution. A direct employee of a distributor or wholesale organization, the distribution sales representative is responsible for selling the products her company sells. She is often responsible for a specific territory and the customers that reside […]

Man Think How To Solve The Problem

B2B Digital Transformation: Setting Objectives

When organizations begin a digital transformation and eCommerce journey, they often focus solely on technology. In reality, there are business decisions to be made and opportunities to explore before technology even comes into play. The first step is to set your objectives. Start by identifying what you want to achieve. There are the standard business […]

Roles of the B2B Buying Journey: The Direct Sales Rep

Understanding the customer journey – and your internal team’s journey – is critical in B2B industries like manufacturing and distribution. A direct sales representative works for a manufacturer and represents only that organization. Her role is to meet with customers, support the distribution channel, and sell her organization’s products. It is very common for the […]

Roles of the B2B Buying Journey: The Manufacturing Sales Rep

Understanding the customer journey – and your internal team’s journey – is critical in B2B industries like manufacturing and distribution. A manufacturing sales representative is an independent seller that represents manufacturers and their products, but is not a direct employee of any manufacturer. He often represents a series of complimentary manufacturers, but generally not competitors. […]

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