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Archive for November, 2015

Introduction to Microservices using Azure Service Fabric

Today’s Internet scale services are built using microservices. Example microservices are protocol gateways, user profiles, shopping carts, inventory processing, queues, caches, etc. Microservices can further be defined by: Is (logic + state) independently versioned, scaled, and deployed Has a unique name that can be resolved Interacts with other microservices over well-defined interfaces like REST Remains […]

Change is Hard and That’s OK!

As the title states, change is hard. Most people (yes, there are a few of you out there who love and embrace change) are resistant to anything new. A recent poll of participants during a Perficient webinar on the Internal Impacts of a Digital Transformation indicated that culture changes, process changes, and other “change management” […]

Digital strategy services: a $97 billion opportunity by 2019

Digital strategy services firms can expect both their business and the demand for their skills to grow rapidly through the rest of this decade, according to IDC Research. The global market research and analysis company released its findings from a study that predicts digital-related consulting will be central to 80 percent of all business and […]

Thanksgiving Day and Black Friday Each Surpass $1 Billion Online

The online holiday shopping is well underway as demonstrated by a 9 percent gain in sales on Thanksgiving Day with $1.1 billion being handed over to retailers before the holiday dishes had even been washed. Black Friday sales also experienced a nice jump this year, increasing 10 percent to $1.7 Billion. According to a report by […]

Effective Leadership Promotes Successful Asset Mgmt

Anyone being truthful would say change isn’t always fun or desired. In today’s world of constant change and improvements, it’s inevitable that we find a way to adjust. Think of the last time the plant / facility / operations received some new critical assets; did things change? Of course they did, and hopefully to increase […]


8 Tips for Strong YouTube SEO

YouTube is inarguably the web’s most dominant force in online video. But did you also know that YouTube is considered the world’s second-largest search engine? That’s based on the incredibly high level of search volume its internal search function receives, outpacing both Bing and Yahoo combined. This also means that if video plays a significant […]

‘Tis the Holiday Season!

With Thanksgiving behind us and Christmas right around the corner, it is once again, the most wonderful time of the year! Especially if you are passionate about bargain hunting and the holiday shopping festival that it is. But for some of us, this time of year can be most stressful, ahem…especially if you are one […]

The cloud delivers the benefits of Predictive Maintenance sooner

I’m looking forward to co-presenting a webinar on Thursday, Dec. 3rd on how the cloud can deliver the benefits of predictive maintenance sooner, and I invite you to join. Abstract: Asset-intensive industries are becoming increasingly instrumented and connected, motivated by the immediate need to improve efficiency or via interest in the potential of the Internet […]

Office 365 – Better Ways to Schedule Meetings w/ External Parties

When it come to scheduling meetings with external parties, it seems like we fail to leverage technology more times than not. While there are several options available to make scheduling meetings easier, we almost always fail back to the default “what times work for you” conversations. This is everyone, I see it with clients, with […]

A look at the new Cloud features for Skype4B in Office365

Beginning December 1, 2015, Microsoft will be officially rolling out a number of new features within Office365 that significantly enhance the Skype for Business workloads.  These features have been in preview form for a few months now, but December 1 marks the date where it becomes generally available (GA) for all tenants within Office365, across the […]

Need For More Direction With Risk-Based Monitoring Strategies

  Last month, Perficient attended the Oracle OpenWorld conference and presented at several sessions. One of those sessions was on how clinical trial management systems (CTMS) can support risk-based monitoring (RBM) strategies at life sciences companies. 


Why Your Guest Post Pitches Are Failing – Here’s Why #47

Are your pitches to guest post on publishing sites falling flat? Are you trying many different approaches with the same, negative results? Have no fear! Eric and Mark are here to turn your content marketing pitches around! In this episode of Here’s Why, the guys will tell you when and how to pitch, but not […]

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