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Oracle Cloud Payments – Encryption, Masking and Tokenization for data protection.

Retain full control of your organization’s sensitive data that is accessed, stored, and transmitted to other parties with Oracle ERP Cloud Payment. Companies generate and collect a staggering amount of data every single day. Much of this data is sensitive and needs to be protected. Still, data breaches occur all too frequently in the form […]


Oracle Cloud OM Business Rules – A Primer

Oracle Cloud OM Business Rules are a great way to take the wheel and drive your business. They provide great flexibility and can help take the drudgery and human factors out of decision making. The best thing about them is that in most cases you don’t have to make modifications or create extensions to make […]

Oracle Enterprise Management Updates

Top 10 New Features in Oracle Analytics Cloud 5.9

We all know or have heard that the Cloud brings many benefits for both software development companies and consumers of Cloud software. Nowhere is this more evident than in the pace of enhancements and upgrades. In the old days of on-premises computing, software companies had to make sure that their software and all up upgrades […]

Application security assessment

What is ADFdi and How do I Easily Download It?

ADFdi (Application Development Framework Desktop Integration) is part of Oracle’s Application Development Framework that integrates with MS Excel to load moderate amounts of data into Oracle Cloud. The tool offers the following benefits: Accessed from the user interface More user-friendly than FBdi (File-Based Data Integration) Offers online data validation using lists of values Used to […]

60 thoughts on Oracle Cloud Supplier and Customer Data Conversion

Oracle Cloud ERP Financials – TCA – Suppliers and Customers – Data conversion Your company is thinking about moving onto the Oracle Cloud ERP system.  You’ve been tagged as one of the resources to lead or assist with data conversions. Very important and difficult data conversion is Suppliers and Customers.  There are often tens of […]

IBM Cloud Pak for Automation

FCCS new substitution variable ExtendAccountScope

Did you notice that accounts defined outside the balance sheet hierarchy has started to roll forward since Nov close ?  That’s because of the previously communicated 20.11 upgrade feature that extends account scope of translation and consolidation.  Since you have certain customization needs and you wish to not have these accounts to roll forward outside […]

Businessman Presenting New Project To Partners In The Office

Procurement Best Practice – Leveraging Self-Service Requisitions

If you are reading this article I assume you have asked Mr. Google to find a best practice. What you will see is the Top 5 or 7 or 10 best practices for this year or last year or any year. These articles contain many valid ideas and data points that should all be reviewed […]

Dining Furniture Jordans Furniture Blog

Ways to easily know which Manufacturing type your ERP solution is using?

Manufacturing is the process of making an item to sell. Within manufacturing, there are several different manufacturing types and sub-types. So, how do you know what type of manufacturing environment your company is using? In this post, we will review the three main manufacturing types and the key terminology that goes with each one.

: The Top 5 Oracle Cloud Solutions for Finance Transformation

The Top 5 Oracle Cloud Solutions for Finance Transformation [Webinar]

To prepare for the challenges of tomorrow, it is imperative that modern finance leaders are equipped with the knowledge and tools to make informed and sound strategic decisions. Oracle Cloud provides a complete, connected, intelligent, best-in-class solution to analyze various data sets and deliver the key insights needed to drive your business forward. Join us […]

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Did you know you can Personalize Oracle Cloud screens to make data entry more efficient?

Business Case: End User Requires fastest way possible to enter data into Oracle Cloud Application. Oracle Cloud offers the Page Composer inside the Sandbox feature which allows page personalizations within the Oracle Cloud applications. The Business Administrators can personalize pages such as, but not limited to, expose or hide fields, make them required or read-only, […]

Ways to easily solve Order revisions in Oracle R12 Warehouse Management

Order revisions occur regularly in order fulfillment. Once a Sales Order has been “Released” to the Warehouse to fulfill and ship, the order can not be changed unless the desired line(s) on the order are in a revisable status. For this post, we’re going to cover potential scenarios where a Sales Order may be canceled […]

Custom Tailored Solutions Or Offers. Made To Measure Services.

Oracle Cloud Points to Consider when Implementing Customer Payments by Direct Debit

Process/ Schedule customer payments to maximize cash in your bank account and minimize processing times. Set up customers on direct debit payments, so you collect on time and with less effort. The following tasks are what you execute to process direct debits and send them to the bank for collection: Run the Create Automatic Receipts […]

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