As we have discussed about in Sitecore and its benefits in my previous blog. We will be exploring the implementation of on components. In this blog, I am taking a scenario where I will be implementing on the FAQ Accordion component in Sitecore Prerequisites: Sitecore 9.1 and above SXA For this component, […]
Niranjan Sadhu
Blogs from this Author
Implementing in the Custom Breadcrumb Rendering
As we have discussed about in Sitecore and it’s benefits in my previous blog. We will be exploring the implementation of on components. In this blog, I am taking a scenario where I will be implementing on the Custom Breadcrumb component in Sitecore. Prerequisites: Sitecore 9.1 and above SXA I am creating […]
How to Implement in Sitecore
In this blog, we will be discussing, the role of in SEO, and how to implement in Sitecore. What is is a universal way to describe web pages with structured data. Search engines use this information to enrich the user experience on their search results and generate rich snippets. Structured […]
Modifying Rendering Parameters in Bulk using Sitecore PowerShell
This blog will help you in modifying the rendering parameter for a rendering using PowerShell script. While working on a project, one might face a scenario where there is a need to make changes in a rendering parameter of a particular rendering. The rendering might have been used on multiple pages on a website. In […]
Using HTML Snippet with Rich Text Editor
Sometimes, while working on certain project you might come across a situation where content authors are not HTML and CSS savvy or seem to struggle with it. If you need to provide them with sample HTML structure or code snippets for making content entry easier, then you could utilize HTML Snippet. Content Authors can modify […]
Sitecore SXA: Using SXA Styles Feature
In HTML, the class attribute specifies one or more class names for an HTML element. This attribute can be used on any HTML element. Class names can be used by CSS and JavaScript to perform specific tasks related to that element. So, basically, class plays a crucial role in web development. What comes to your […]
Insertion of Sitecore Dictionary Item and Usage
Within Sitecore, Dictionary is something that allows the developer to create a key-value pair. In this blog post, we will look at the different aspects of the dictionary domain concept. First, what is the key-value pair in Sitecore Dictionary? The key-value pair consists of two related data elements: Key-A constant that defines the data set. […]