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Juan Pineda

Juan David Pineda Hernández is a technology enthusiast who enjoys exploring the latest trends and innovations in the sector. On his blog, he shares his passion for innovation and creativity in the digital world.

Blogs from this Author


Migrating from MVP to Jetpack Compose: A Step-by-Step Guide for Android Developers

Migrating an Android App from MVP to Jetpack Compose: A Step-by-Step Guide Jetpack Compose is Android’s modern toolkit for building native UI. It simplifies and accelerates UI development by using a declarative approach, which is a significant shift from the traditional imperative XML-based layouts. If you have an existing Android app written in Kotlin using […]

Captura De Pantalla 2024 11 26 A La(s) 11.39.10 a. m.

Unit Testing in Android Apps: A Deep Dive into MVVM

Understanding Unit Testing Unit testing is a crucial aspect of software development, especially in complex applications like Android apps. It involves testing individual units of code, such as methods or classes, in isolation. This ensures the correctness of each component, leading to a more robust and reliable application. Why Unit Testing in MVVM? The Model-View-ViewModel […]

Remote Work vs Office Work in Software Consulting: What’s the Best Scenario in 2024?

The pandemic accelerated the adoption of remote work in the technology sector, especially in software consulting firms. However, now that the situation has changed, what is the most suitable work model for this sector that promotes employee well-being? The Hybrid Model: A Customized Solution for Software Consulting Firms A recent Gartner study: Future of Work […]