Progress, far from consisting in change, depends on retentiveness. When change is absolute there remains no being to improve and no direction is set for possible improvement: and when experience is not retained […] infancy is perpetual. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. George Santayana To understand where we are […]
Dan Klco – Adobe Digital Marketing Technical Director
Dan is a certified Adobe Digital Marketing Technologist, Architect, and Advisor, having led multiple successful digital marketing programs on the Adobe Experience Cloud. He's passionate about solving complex problems and building innovative digital marketing solutions. Dan is a PMC Member of the Apache Sling project, frequent Adobe Beta participant and committer to ACS AEM Commons, allowing a unique insight into the cutting edge of the Adobe Experience Cloud platform.
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Blogs from this Author
Case Insensitive Queries with the AEM Query Builder
Recently, I needed to perform a query using the AEM Query Builder which was case insensitive. While I normally prefer using JCR SQL2 queries, in this case Query Builder was a better fit as I wanted consuming applications to be able to manipulate the query and doing so as a map is significantly easier than […]
Exploring the Sling Feature Model: Part 3 – Custom Aggregates
In the first post of the Exploring the Sling Feature Model series, I discussed the process of converting the Sling CMS app from the Sling Provisioning Model to the Sling Feature Model. So how does this apply to your custom applications? To illustrate, let’s convert my personal site,, which is currently managed via Sling […]
Apache Sling JVM Performance Followup
In a comment on my previous post Apache Sling JVM Performance, Gil Tene made an insightful comment about the potential possibility of performance impact from speed from the underlying environment or other tests. To accommodate for this possibility, I re-ran the tests inside a loop, randomizing order of the JVM execution for each iteration 25 times. […]
Apache Sling JVM Performance Comparison
With the recent proliferation of Java Virtual Machine (JVM) implementations, it’s difficult to know which implementation is the best for your use case. While proprietary vendors generally prefer Oracle Java, there are several open source options with different approaches and capabilities. Given how the implementations vary in some underlying technical specifics, the “correct” JVM implementation […]
The Missing Guide to Your Adobe Managed Services Servers
Working with Adobe Managed Services (AMS) I’ve wished I had a guide to the common activities I need to log into a server to perform. Here is a quick starter to help you find your way around the servers provisioned by Adobe Managed Services. Since I can’t guarantee AMS environments are consistent (and checking with […]
Exploring the Sling Feature Model: Part 2 – Composite NodeStore
In my previous post Exploring the Sling Feature Model, I described the process of migrating from a Sling Provisioning project setup to a Sling Feature Model project. Now that we have the Sling Provisioning Model project converted, we can move on to the fun stuff and create a Composite NodeStore. We’ll use Docker to build […]
Exploring the Sling Feature Model: Part 1
In my previous post about AEM as a Cloud Service, How AEM Scales, I discussed the new Sling Feature Model which is a key part of how Adobe scales their new AEM as a Cloud Service solution using Kubernetes. The goal of the Feature Model is to create a better way to provision Sling instances […]
Debugging Dispatcher Deployment Issues with Cloud Manager
Adobe’s Cloud Manager is quite feature rich in unexpected features. One of these features is that it is in no way obvious how one can diagnose dispatcher deployment issues when run through Cloud Manager. Note: due to AMS’ inconsistent environment setup, this article may not apply to everyone, but if you rely on your CSE […]
Pulling Private Dependencies with Cloud Manager
For customer’s using Adobe Managed Services, Cloud Manager has become the de facto system for deploying code to their Adobe Experience Manager environments. Among Cloud Manager’s many deficiencies is the inability to fetch artifacts from private remote repositories. The good news is there’s a workaround for internet-facing artifact repositories. Unfortunately, non-internet facing artifact repositories are […]
Download / Watch the RepoInit Detroit Adobe Experience Meetup
Did you miss my webinar with the Detroit Adobe Experience Meetup on Sling RepoInit? Sling RepoInit is a newer technology which enables projects to set up permissions, configurations and content via OSGi configurations in a purpose-built grammar. Check out the presentation deck and recording to see how RepoInit could be useful on your project. Watch […]
Upcoming Webinar – Sling RepoInit
Curious about using Sling RepoInit? Want to learn more in depth about how Sling RepoInit can enable your AEM DevOps team to manage the initial repository state in code? I’ll be leading a virtual discussion on Sling RepoInit with the Detroit AEM Meetup on Thursday July 9th from 6:00 – 6:50 PM EST. This talk […]