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Facial Recognition Enhances Customer Experience

Facial recognition technology is quickly advancing and going beyond the ever-popular security use cases. Now retailers can use it to deliver an omnichannel shopping experience. This is significant considering a 2018 Customer Experience/Unified Commerce Survey of top North American retailers found that 73% of customers expect order tracking across all touch points, but only 7% of retailers can actually provide a complete unified commerce experience. By pairing facial recognition software with an open BI platform like MicroStrategy, you can not only deliver personalized omnichannel purchase history, but also cross sell recommendations.

Facial Recognition and MicroStrategy for Retail

Imagine a preferred customer walks into your store looking for a shirt and tie to go with a sport coat they recently purchased, but can’t quite remember the exact color and pattern.  Instead of having to guess or wait until the customer returns home, they can stand in front of a kiosk that will instantly pull up purchase history along with personalized recommendations. The shopper can then use this self service interface to locate items or alert a store associate for assistance. The result is a differentiated shopping experience, a more satisfied shopper, and a more informed store associate. Watch the video below to see how it works. 

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Visit our MicroStrategy partner page for more details around our expertise and capabilities.  You can also check out the innovative way we are using MicroStrategy and augmented reality.

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Meghan Frederick, Marketing Manager

Meghan Frederick is a Partner Marketing Manager supporting Perficient's Adobe and digital experience partnerships. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with family and friends, traveling to EDM festivals, and coaching CrossFit.

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