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You Can Measure Social Media ROI. Here’s Why.

How do you know if your marketing efforts are paying off? Traditionally, success in business can be measured by the return on investment (ROI). But social media is a different story. In addition to monetary return, there are several other ways to measure social media ROI.
Check out our recent video from Eric Enge and Mark Traphagen, who recently joined Perficient Digital through our acquisition of digital consultancy Stone Temple, where they share what ROI means when it comes to social media campaigns and what you should be measuring. Social media ROI can be measured in more ways than one. Here’s why:

To learn more about Stone Temple, read our recent blog post.

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Sara Kaiman

Sara Kaiman is the Senior Marketing Coordinator overseeing the marketing for the Commerce and Experience Design business units. In her spare time she enjoys volunteering, running, and painting.

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