If you haven’t noticed by now, 2016 is a year when the patient data story will become increasingly complex. In this 2016 trends report we have already witnessed:
- Increased ownership of data by patients
- Increase in patient generated data by way of mobile device
- Challenges around the security of data in the growing world of internet of things and mobile health
Now we bring an interesting variant to the patient data story. As investments in quality and population health data have grown, so have our abilities around using those data insights to effect real change. As we are already aware, the benefits around using data to impact health are truly countless. However, as healthcare continues to take cues from the retail industry, we can also expect the use of data as a means to attract loyalty and motivate and incentivize cost savings behaviors by way of comprehensive data linked to marketing platforms. We first brought this trend to you last year by way of The Real Retail Strategy for Healthcare. Here we find this trend in the next leg of its journey.
As we mentioned last year, the retail tactic that has been largely neglected until now was the use of data insights to motivate and incentivize changes in consumer behavior. We see this in retail each time we swipe our loyalty cards. In healthcare we have an extreme advantage over retail organizations. Connected health solutions are, in and of themselves, streams of valuable information that can be mined and analyzed to achieve strategic aims. Healthcare organizations are recognizing that understanding consumer data is at the heart of driving loyalty and improving consumer health and wellness decision-making. Establishing a single source of truth with consumer data enhances the consumer experience and generates insights to determine the next best patient digital experience. Objectives include:
- Unify experience across all touch points
- Identify and focus on ideal behaviors and use data to motivate and incentivize those behaviors
- Target individuals with personalized offers through multiple channels
- Predictive analytics to forecast and predict journeys
- Closed-loop analysis and continuous optimization
Health plans, and soon healthcare providers, are realizing that understanding consumer data is at the heart of driving loyalty as well as encouraging healthful and cost-conscious healthcare consumer decision making.
Refining the Patient as a Consumer Data Story is just one of the trends we explore in our new guide, The Definitive Guide to Connected Health 2016: 10 Trends You Need to Know. Download the guide to see where this trend falls and to discover the other Connected Health trends healthcare executives must be aware of. In the guide we also provide insights to help organizations not only survive – but thrive – in the age of consumer-driven healthcare.