If you are undertaking any significant data initiatives, such as MDM, Enterprise Data Warehousing, CRM, integration/migrations due to mergers or acquisitions, etc., where you have to work across business units and interface with numerous systems, one of the best investments you can make is to implement an Enterprise Business Glossary early on in your initiative. […]
Posts Tagged ‘Master Data Management’
Perficient Helps Paint a Clear Picture with Big Data for Banks
On the heels of some great discussions at Bank Innovation 2013, Perficient was published in the Financial Brand today on the topic of Big Data. During the “Product Strategies and Possibilities” session we participated in, panelists reinforced the need for Big Data as a top tactic to explore new product and service possibilities, as well […]
News Flash: Healthcare Reform Is Working (with some help)
I recently read an article in the NY Times talking about an “unexplainable” sharp and persistent slowdown in the growth of healthcare costs. It has been followed by others, such as this one from USA Today, that have begun attempting to shed light on the reasons why. Contrary to the partisanship rhetoric from our lawmakers, […]
Webinar: Creating a ‘Customer 360’ with Master Data Mgmt.
Technology has challenged the financial services industry and will continue to play a vital role in supporting business growth and change. With change comes new challenges for financial institutions. Mobile, social and analytics strategies give the promise of improved customer service, reduced costs, effective marketing and banking innovation. However, these strategies require a trusted view of their data – something […]
Introduction to Data Quality Services (DQS) – Part I
I was recently introduced to SQL Server 2012 and discovered Data Quality Services (DQS); a new feature of SQL Server 2012. I wanted to use this blog as an introduction to DQS, define key terms, and present a simple example of the tool. According to MSDN, The data-quality solution provided by Data Quality Services (DQS) […]
“What is MDM?” – Video Overviews
Today we are going to look at a widely used acronym in business intelligence called MDM, or Master Data Management. Sure you have heard it before, but it is often tossed in with a series of other acronyms without much context. So what is MDM in a practical context?
Data Governance – a must-have to ensure data quality – Part 1
While one of my earlier posts on Quality Data being a pre-requisite for every BI technique is still generating both positive and negative responses, I felt it would be apt to delve into Data Governance and see why it is necessary to be incorporated to achieve & maintain better data quality. First, lets have a […]
Protecting Sensitive Data in a Multi-Shoring Development Environment
As more and more companies are “going global” to grow their business and share more data with more users, it is extremely important to secure data privacy and confidentiality. Perficient’s latest free whitepaper, Protecting Sensitive Data in a Multi-Shoring Development Environment, outlines a method for securing tremendous amounts of sensitive data. Highlights from this whitepaper […]
Key Elements of a Solid BI and Data Management Framework
I was struck by a blog post written by Forrester’s Rob Karel (@rbkarel), titled “How Complete are your BI and Data Management Strategies?” This is the type of answer that our business intelligence consultants ask our clients every day, and we often come up with a framework as complete and strategic as the ideal one […]