It’s a never-ending request for anyone who does web content management project……. how do you get the content from your old site to your new site. At first, we did it all by hand. Then we tried a couple vendors who wrote connectors to pull content from source CMS’. Neither worked all that well for […]
Posts Tagged ‘Content’
Are Devices Personal?
Every day I get “targeted” emails from retailers that are designed to appeal to my personal profile and preferences. Much of the content is driven by search history, browsing patterns, shopping cart contents and the assembled profile that the retailer has created for me. Which is great in theory. I want more relevant experiences that are tailored to […]
Adobe Summit: Building a Global Digital Marketing Platform
This session had a nice abstract that set some high expectations for a case study. Creating a dynamic platform to support global digital marketing programs? PwC and USG developed a strategic plan and roadmap to deliver an integrated solution that enables local markets to take advantage of the global investment, from digital asset management, assets […]
Keeping up with the Fixes
A huge number of my projects are platform upgrades, and every time I ask my customers why they haven’t applied a single published fix for any of the products involved since the system was built (sometimes upwards of 7 years ago). They usually reply with a variation on the old trope, “If it ain’t broke, […]
Invitation from Google to become a Glass Explorer
Earlier this year, Google had launched +Project Glass contest and offered a unique opportunity to experience Google Glass in-person. I entered into the contest as well and my submissions can be found here. Approximately eight thousand winners were selected and I was not one of them. Recently, I received an email from “Glass Support” with an invitation to […]
For Whom Are Your Sitecore Translations For?
On a recent client engagement working with an existing Sitecore multi-site instance, a discussion took place on how to better manage the current translations process. The primary issue to be resolved was the overwriting of translation values on deployments. This was happening for translations entered during a specific time window between deployment label creation and actual […]
What’s Happening at Dreamforce 13?
A lot! Perficient’s Mark Polly and Michael Porter are currently attending Dreamforce 13 and blogging regularly about what they are learning. Whether you are interested in content, mobile, social, email or anything else digital, you can follow along beside them as they share the best tips and lessons from Dreamforce […]
Sitecore And Designing The Words
I read a blog post written by Sam Wright titled “Designing The Words: Why Copy Is A Design Issue”. The article touches upon the importance of content and the need for content to be included in the overall design process. Much of the post talks about the importance of writing and copy. What really caught […]
The Fold
Let’s get something out of the way right at the start: There is no such thing as the fold on the Web!! Anyone who tells you differently is more wrong than Wrongly Wrongham of 14 Wrongingford Road, Wrongleton; winner of last year’s Mr Wrong Contest.
A Mobile-First Approach (aka, Death to the Separate Mobile Site)
Over the course of the last four years, I’ve worked on many “mini-mobile” websites—that is to say, a client tasks us with picking a half-dozen “important” pages from the full website and building them out in mobile-friendly ways with an URL. The crucial point here is, who is to say what is “important” to […]
Driving Enterprise User Adoption – the Band-Aid Approach
“If you build it, he will come.” This mantra may have worked for “Field of Dreams,” but it doesn’t cut if for new or redesigned enterprise-level applications. User adoption, like all change really, is never easy. It requires breaking habits and changing mindsets and doing so on a large, enterprise-level scale. But at the end […]
Data Visualization, Less is More
As stated previously, I’m a big fan of focusing on the persuasive aspects of your presentations and reports. After all, the power of data is to trigger an improvement or optimization to the benefit of a client or business. A significant portion of a persuasive argument is backing up your recommendations with solid insights drawn […]