One of our CD servers started generating a bunch of large Lucene log files that chewed up all of the available disk space. This occurred out of the blue and actually brought the CD server down to a halt. I’m familiar with all of the Sitecore log files that live in the \Data\logs, but these […]
Posts Tagged ‘Content Management’
Sitecore Powershell – Add rendering to item
The Sitecore Powershell Module has once again come to the rescue to save me a lot of time in a recent update. We made an update to a left navigation component for mobile views in our responsive site. That being said the component needed to be added to a hundred+ product pages so that the navigation and an […]
VIDEO: Top 10 Connected Health Trends for 2016
Healthcare organizations, both providers and health plans, continue to feel the pressure to expand access to care, improve quality, and reduce costs. Increasingly empowered patients and members are intensifying this pressure through demands for price transparency, mobile access, and personalized experiences. To meet these demands, it is critical for healthcare organizations to shift their focus […]
Sitecore Error: “The Field is not a Layout/Renderings field”
When working in the Sitecore content editor, have you ever seen this error message when you try to select a content item? “The field is not a layout/renderings field”. I encountered this error while consulting for a client, and thousands of content items were affected. This also seemed to be a fairly unusual error, and […]
Digital Transformation of Florida Blue’s Customer Experience
Phani Kanakala, Florida Blue’s Web and Mobile Manager and Glenn Kline, Principal at Perficient spoke at IBM Amplify about Florida Blue’s transformation of their customer experience. A dinosaur video clip started the talk and Glenn related how companies are either going to be a digital predator or digital prey. If you are a […]
Final Rendering Deleted After Item Update
I recently had an issue with the Final Renderings being deleted from my pages after I updated a component in the Experience Editor. After a lot of Googling and working with Sitecore Suppport, we found a solution that resolved the issue for us. This specific resolution was not available in any of the posts that […]
Upgrading Sitecore – 8.0 update 4 to 8.1 update 2 – Walkthrough
Recently, I posted about issues that ran into during an upgrade of 8.0 update 4 rev. 150621 to 8.1 update 2 rev. 160302. That article is available here. That article did not cover the actual process of upgrading and I thought it may be beneficial to provide a walk-through of that. To start off, I went […]
GEOIP – Working with it
In my previous post, GEOIP – Getting Started, I mentioned that I would illustrate how to actually use the GeoIP components, and here it is! I’ll start with a personalization example. For this example we have a tab component that will have content specified for different US states. When a visitor comes to the site from Georgia, […]
Upgrading Sitecore – 8.0 update 4 to 8.1 update 2 issues
This week I’ve worked on a Sitecore upgrade from version 8.0 update 4 to version 8.1 update 2. Overall, following the documentation provided by Sitecore it was pretty smooth. I did run into a couple of things worth sharing. One of the first things I ran into was an issue with the Update Installation Wizard. […]
Sitecore – Launchpad Exception after Removing Broken Links
A couple of days ago I accidentally removed broken links in the Core database of a new Sitecore instance using the Remove Broken Links tool at http://{your-sitecore-url}/sitecore/admin/RemoveBrokenLinks.aspx. The next time I logged into Sitecore, I got the following exception: After some digging around I found that the Remove Broken Links tool erroneously deleted the Model property of the ExperienceAnalyticsLineChart […]
GeoIP – Getting Started
GeoIP is quickly becoming a necessity for the analytics functionality of Sitecore. With GeoIP we can personalize content based on the user’s location to present the most relative information and provide a more engaging user experience. Starting with Sitecore 8.1, the necessary config files and dlls are included in the base install. Prior to 8.1, […]
MongoDB – The Install
With the latest versions of Sitecore, MongoDB has become a requirement for the analytical experience. Different versions of MongoDb are only compatible with certain versions of Sitecore. I’ve found this information from Sitecore that outlines the versions of MongoDb that are compatible with the versions of Sitecore. Below is the compatibility chart presented in the previous […]