In today’s digital age, consumers have evolved to become far more independent and self-sufficient. They expect access to information, services, and products to be quick, easy, useful, engaging, and even entertaining. Businesses that are not yet meeting these new expectations are falling behind the curve. But this particular curve is not just the trend of […]
Posts Tagged ‘compliance’
Digital Transformation In Financial Services Defined
While it means different things to different people, digital transformation is a movement. According to the research firm Altimeter, the definition of digital transformation boils down to this: “The realignment of, or new investment in, technology and business models to more effectively engage digital customers at every touchpoint in the customer experience lifecycle.” Digital transformation […]
Introduction To Digital Transformation In Financial Services
We have become a digital society. We use mobile devices to guide us through rush hour traffic, to find a great new spot for lunch, to research recipes for dinner, to do our shopping, to track our exercise, to entertain, to connect with friends and family, and to wake us up the next morning to […]
Standards And Collaboration Can Help FSIs Survive Regulatory Fatigue
Tim Lind, global head of financial regulatory solutions, Thomson Reuters, sat down with Finextra at Sibos, the annual conference organized by SWIFT, to discuss the challenges financial services institutions face when it comes to regulatory change. To the put the regulatory climate in better perspective, Mr. Lind pointed out a few facts: Over the last […]
What It Costs To Comply With The DOL Fiduciary Rule
The new U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) fiduciary rule is quickly revealing itself to be the most impactful regulation in the financial services industry in a long time. The investments that companies are needing to make in order to comply with the rule, which focuses on conflict of interest, are making the impact painfully clear. […]
Stress Tests: What Bank Bosses Worry About Most
If you work in financial services, you may have noticed that your executives aren’t getting enough sleep. They’re most likely tossing and turning at night, thinking about the shift to digital, stringent regulations, and, as The Financial Times recently said: “Bank bosses perhaps are worried most about not being publically humiliated by a failing grade.” […]
What Are The Implications Of Not Complying With E2B(R3)?
In the European Union, the use of E2B(R3), along with IDMP, is in legislation, so not complying by the deadline could have legal repercussions. Non-compliance with the FDA and MHLW’s requirements could also bring unwanted scrutiny. More importantly, if an organization does not comply by the deadlines, they will not be able to send ICSRs […]
Do Commercially Available Safety Systems Comply With E2B(R3)?
Yes, some validated systems can comply with E2B(R3). With respect to Oracle Argus Safety, the current version, 8.0.1, is able to comply with E2B(R3), Electronic Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (eVAERS), and Electronic Medical Device Reporting (eMDR) reporting requirements. If a company is simply looking to meet E2B(R3) requirements, we advise waiting to upgrade until […]
Top 5 Life Sciences Blog Posts From July 2016
Now that August is here, I thought it would be neat to look back at what our readers found most interesting last month. Below are the top five blog posts Perficient’s life sciences practice wrote in July – they’re ranked in order of popularity, with number one being the most viewed piece. When Do Companies Have To […]
Does E2B(R3) Impact Companies With No Safety Reporting System?
The issue is not the type of system used to collect adverse event data, but rather how the data is submitted to the FDA, EMA, and MHLW. If an organization is using spreadsheets to collect safety data or is unable to transmit data via E2B, it will have to report the data via a web-based […]
What Is The Pathway To E2B(R3) Compliance?
Companies who are currently submitting reports using the E2B(2) format should already be planning the move to E2B(R3). If a robust safety and pharmacovigilance system is already in place, there are likely just a handful of technical changes that need to be made in order to meet the new regulations. For example, system configuration changes […]
When Do Companies Have To Begin Complying With E2B(R3)?
In the United States, if a company is transmitting vaccine or device information to the FDA, it should already be reporting in E2B(R3) format. For companies reporting solely to the FDA Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS), no official deadlines have been published. In Europe, drug companies who report to the EMA will need to comply with […]