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Posts Tagged ‘cloud computing’

AWS OpsWorks for Chef Automate

“CIOs expect to shift 21% of their company’s applications to a public cloud this year, and 46% by 2020, according to a report by Morgan Stanley.” Intro Recently, I attended a webinar on “Cloud Migration”. It was a joint presentation by folks from AWS and Chef. It touched on two key areas – “migration to […]

Trend Tuesday: Cloud Predictions for 2018

Though many think the rise of cloud is a forgone conclusion, there is still tremendous room for growth especially as we head into 2018. Here are some of the top predictions we found combing the web for cloud predictions in the New Year. Prediction #1: Hybrid Cloud Continues to Accelerate Mixing and matching cloud services […]

Trend Tuesday: Cloud Moves Ahead in 2018

Cloud now represents a substantial portion of IT in most organizations, but there is still more room for growth. As new software solutions emerge in low-code, DevOps, and automation, their requirement for cloud support results in increased cloud investment. Research firm IDC understands the continued importance of cloud and recently released their predictions for cloud […]

Trends Tuesday: Factors Preventing Cloud Adoption

According to IDC, cloud growth is expected to continue growing through 2021 at a compound annual growth rate of 21%. While industry watchers assume that cloud is an afterthought, some organizational leaders are skeptical, preferring to go other routes in their pursuit of innovation. In our conversations with customers, this skepticism originates from a few […]

How to Leverage the Cloud for the Holiday Rush

In just three short weeks, shoppers will begin the process of buying gifts for the holiday season. Unlike years past where many stood in line to buy their gifts, this year’s process will happen online. More than ever, consumers are taking charge of their own shopping experiences by using various channels to help them get […]

Avoid These 4 Cloud Distractions that Hijack Your IT

For many organizations, cloud is the shiny object and rightly so. According to research firm Gartner, the cloud services market will grow 18% this year, outpacing numerous traditional IT solutions. As with every new and innovative IT solution on the market, there are distractions surrounding practical use and adjacent challenges. For example, marketers communicated the […]

Edge Computing is the Post-Cloud Solution We’ve Been Waiting For

According to Moore’s Law, computing power doubles every 18 months, which means that society experiences new waves of every innovation almost every two years. We’ve seen this happen with mobile phones and personal computers, and will be seeing this soon with cloud computing with the concurrent rise of the Internet of Things (IoT). This phenomenon […]

K-12 Education’s Future Lies in the Cloud

Though high school was more than a decade ago, I still maintain contact with many of my teachers through Facebook. Around this time of the year, many of them begin ramping up for the school year, commenting on the assigning of homework, the personalities of their classes, and the hopes the term will bring. A […]

5 Characteristics For Every Modern Application

Today’s innovative organizations focus on multiple initiatives, including delivering a product to market and creating an application that customers love. Many applications use emerging technologies including cloud, containers, microservices and distributed applications, which promise greater flexibility, lower cost and faster release cycles. One of the challenges of building an innovative application is how it adjusts […]

How Cloud and DevOps are Transforming Entertainment

This month, millions of Americans will flock to cavernous stadiums around the country to take part in the annual ritual of football games. Attracted by the sounds of bone-crushing hits and unmatched athletic feat, football has been in the American consciousness for the past half-century, bringing together everyone from Midwestern small towns to large metropolises. […]

DOWNLOAD: 4 Drivers for Healthcare Cloud Adoption

Healthcare is in the age of the consumer, with end users having access to a variety of different resources including mobile applications, websites, social networks, and more for managing their day-to-day health needs. With the rising cost of medicine, customer-focused initiatives, and a shorter sales cycle, healthcare organizations face technology and business challenges unlike any […]

Improve Your IT Outcomes with IoT

Global organizations and IT professionals are embracing the vision of a connected world that bridges the physical and digital worlds. IoT solutions support this by helping ingest information and context through sensors from the physical world and taking actions in the physical world via actuators based on digital insights. According to a survey from research […]

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